Since Version, vsmGadgetServer provides native NMOS IS-05 functionality, addressing Connection Management following the public AMWA specifications (

The driver enables to control NMOS IS-05 compatible devices for the purpose of manageing connections (IP flow routing).

Configuring the DriverLink to Configuring the Driver

Configuration specifics can be retrieved from the NMOS Client driver description.

Currently, no possibility exists to retrieve information about

Working with Senders and ReceiversLink to Working with Senders and Receivers

The NMOS Driver will expose any NMOS compliant sender and receiver. Each of them will have a SDP Field which can be used in a vsm signal path. SDP information retrieved over NMOS control connections can be used to patch either NMOS senders with NMOS receivers, or NMOS senders with other devices capable of handling SDP information (and known to VSM).

The driver creates an NMOS root, and lists all NMOS compatible nodes under this node, structured by vendor, device type, etc...

SendersLink to Senders

ReceiversLink to Receivers

Operational RecommendationLink to Operational Recommendation

Although it would be possible to map one entire NMOS tree into one single connection into vsmStudio, we recommend splitting NMOS devices connections on a per-vendor basis. This is for maintenance and structural reasons, rather than for data bandwidth savings. It might me needed with growing setups, that you want to maintain all devices of one vendor or of one type (audio or video) within a single layer, which would require you to separate devices into verious connections.