

This document provides information about the (...) protocol implementation for VSM.

Status of Driver


Component for Driver


Release (Build) of Component

vsmGadgetserver 5.6.0.x (2019)

Revision of Implementation1.0

Name/Type of 3rd Party APIACP2
Version of 3rd Party API1.0.2.0
Additional 3rd Party information


Connection TypeTCP/ IP
Default Port2072

Supported Features

The protocol supports the devices which contain ACPv2 protocol support. (Neuron)

  • Ability to display the parameters of the device and change their values.

  • Any changes to the parameters from one client are sent to all connected clients and are updated immediately.

Supported Commands


GetVersionGets the version of the AN2 protocol (used as a keep-alive message).
GetDeviceInfoGets the amount of slots available on the device.
GetSlotInfoGets the protocols supported by a specific slot.


GetVersionGets the version of the ACP2 protocol (not used).
GetObjectGets an object describing a node/parameter from the device.
GetPropertyGets the current value of a specific property.
SetPropertySets the value of a specific property.

Configuration Details

The protocol doesn't require any special configuration.

Known Issues


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