Driver implemented in: vsmGadgetServer



This document provides information about the Simple Telnet Interface implementation for VSM.

Status of Driver


Component for Driver


Release (Build) of Component


Revision of Implementation1.1

Name/Type of 3rd Party APITelnet
Version of 3rd Party API
Additional 3rd Party information


Connection TypeTCP/ IP
Default Portany, to be configured as the remote port

Supported Features

  • Arbitrary ASCII command transport

The commands are shown as part of a gadget tree (also in the GadgetServer) where they can be accessed and controlled, so an Ember or Ember+ vsmStudio connection is required.

Supported Commands

ASCIIASCII CommandSend arbitrary ASCII text to the device.
HexHexadecimal CommandSend arbitrary Hex values to the device.

Configuration Details

Each command must be entered in the command list. Each line consists of two string, which are comma separated. The first item is the parameter name, the second one the command to send. A Hexadecimal command is put in two left curly brackets and two right curly brackets, each value is separated by a space.

An example would be (assuming a device with a load command exists):

ASCII Command:
Load Preset X,load X
Load Preset Y,load Y

Hex Command:
Set Crosspoint 1,{{05 A0 01}}

It is possible to combine both commands:

Execute Custom Command,Execute:{{00 BE EF 00}}

Additionally, the command termination sign can be configured. Available termination signs are:

SignSign As Text
Line Feed\n
Carriage Return\r
Horizontal Tabulator\t
Line Feed Carriage Return\n\r
Carriage Return Line Feed\r\n

Known Issues

There are currently no known issues.

Related Articles

Please see the following article for another good example how to use Simple Telnet in a configuration: Transport Control of a BM Hyperdeck