Editing the System Registry incorrectly can cause serious issues that may require you to reinstall the operating system. We cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of the Registry Editor can be solved. Use the Registry Editor at your own risk.

Protocol 1Leitch x-switch (TCP/IP)Routing
Protocol 2CCS (TCP/IP)Parameter
Protocol 3LRC (TCP/IP)

By default the IP3 router provides an internal Disconnect source which is assigned to Input #1 if connecting via LRC protocol. Therefore consider an offset of 1 for all following Inputs. 

Setting Login Credentials

The control interface via Harris Leitch x-switch protocol, requires user authentication to get access to control parameters. You can set a user and password entry manually whenever the connection requires it.

Add a “User” and “Password” entire as shown below, were the data must match the user and password required by the device.

Defaults are: 

User: leitch 

Password: leitchadmin