

This document provides information about the Guntermann & Drunck CCGD protocol implementation for VSM.

Status of Driver


Component for Driver


Release (Build) of Component

vsmGadgetserver 5.4.x or newer

Revision of Implementation1.0.0.3

Name/Type of 3rd Party APIXML
Version of 3rd Party API
Additional 3rd Party informationKVM


Connection TypeTCP/ IP
Default Port


You need to activate text-based control for full functionality. The following extract describes the required steps.

Supported Features

  • Routing of CPUs to consoles.

This protocol allows switching of the available CPUs to the known consoles. While the consoles are identified by their port number, the CPUs must be mapped internally. This mapping is stored by the protocol and can be seen in the web interface. It lists all known CPUs and their source index.

Supported Commands

The following commands are used by the current implementation

LogonRequests to logon to the matrix.
LogoffRequests to logoff from the matrix.
ConnectConnects a cpu to a console.
DisconnectDisconnects a console.
ListEither lists all cpus, consoles or current connections.

Configuration Details

The protocol requires a username and a password, which can be entered via the web interface. The default user name is “Admin”, while the password is “4658”.

vsmGadgetServer 5.2 (protocol revision

A blind source may be defined (default is 32) and a list of all known CPUs and their source index is displayed.

vsmGadgetServer 5.4

With this version the new XML format is used for matrix mapping.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <identifier>GuntermannDrunck.XML System</identifier>
              <description>CON 0000417B</description>
              <description>CON 0000417A</description>
              <description>CPU-ID 003036E5</description>
              <description>CPU-ID 003036E6</description>

Use the <offset> tag to move whole Cpu/Console group wihtin the matrix. To move a single Cpu/Console use the corresponding <index> tag. If a device has been exchanged on the installation the vsmGadgetServer will generate new entries for the new device. To use the old matrix configuration the user must download the mapping file and adapt the new <index> values to the old values. Save the file and upload it again via the Web UI.

Known Issues

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