

This document provides information about the calient ocs protocol implementation for VSM.

Status of Driver


Component for Driver


Release (Build) of Component


Revision of Implementation1.0.3.1
Name/Type of 3rd Party APIcalient ocs
Version of 3rd Party API
Additional 3rd Party informationTested with S160, S320, and Edge640 devices


Connection TypeTCP/ IP
Default Port3082

The device usually communicates via TCP/IP and listens to incoming connections on port 3082 (default). The port should not be changed due to it being a TL1-RAW mode port.

Supported Features

The protocol only supports the S160, S320 and Edge640 devices.

  • Access of any non invasive OCS parameters including the ability to customize OCS ports.

    • The protocol does not support alarm/event handling. For that purpose please use SNMP.

  • OCS as two matrices (Simplex & Duplex) for 1 way / 2 way connection types.

  • Ability to perform any switching operations as well as adjustment of new connections via VSM panel.

  • Possibility to rename the optical sources and targets.

  • Control over the poll interval of messages.

  • Control over logging of different message types.

Supported Commands

ACT-USERLogs into the device with the login and password provided in the protocol configuration (Also used as a keep-alive message if the protocol won't be able to disable the login timeout).
ACT-CRSActivates a crosspoint (listens for alarms / events / db changes).
ED-PORTEdits various port parameters.
INH-MSGDisables the autonomous alarm/event/db change messages from the deice which cause interruptions to crosspoint polling.
RTRV-NERetrieves basic informations about the device.
RTRV-IPRetrieves current network configurations of the device.
RTRV-CRSRetrieves current cross connections.
RTRV-PORTRetrieves some informations about a specific port.
RTRV-PORT-SUMRetrieves a list of all ports along with informations about them or retrieves some informations about a specific port.
RTRV-DFLT-SECURetrieves default security attributes.
RTRV-DFLT-CRSRetrieves default cross connection attribute values.
SET-ATTR-CRSDFLTSets default cross connection attribute values (Used for the AutoFocus, NoLightConnect and DeadReckoning attributes).
SET-ATTR-SECUDFLTSets the default security attributes (Used to disable the login timeout).
ENT-CRS-ENHCreates a cross connection and deletes old interfering cross connections.
ENT-CRS-BULKCreates a bulk request to set multiple cross connections at once (The result of this command cannot be reflected live as the protocol itself doesn't process database changes. Instead the protocol will poll some informations from the device to ensure integrity. The rate at which the data is polled depends on the “Poll Time” option which can be set in the protocol configuration).
DLT-CRSRemoves a cross connection from the device.
DLT-CRS-BULKCreates a bulk request to remove multiple cross connections at once.
RTRV-STATUS-BULKRetrieves the status of the last bulk request. We need this in order to enqueue new bulk requests since the device can only process a single bulk request at a time.

Configuration Details

It is required to supply the username and the password of an OCS device account with admin priviledges in the protocol configuration. Without a successful login no operations can be performed on the device.

The user should configure the “Crosspoint Poll TIme” (min: 200ms, max: 5000ms). The lower the number the faster the responses will be when:

  • The user is creating or removing multiple cross connections at once.

  • The user sets/removes cross connections through the web interface.

The user should configure the “Parameter Poll TIme” (min: 1000ms, max: 15000ms). The lower the number the faster the responses will be when:

  • The user subscribes to parameters to monitor their status.

The user also has the ability to choose which messages are being logged. The default “Logging” option is responsible only for the messages executed through the user input. The “Polling Logging” option is responsible for logging all of the automatic messages.

Known Issues

  • The device converts received strings to uppercase. That may result in confusion when the user sets a label in VSM Studio but the device will send back the uppercase variant of it.

  • If VSM will ever have a problem with resubscribing to parameters after the connection to the device was lost the user should Reset the port configuration.

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