

This document provides information about the (...) protocol implementation for VSM.

Status of Driver


Component for Driver


Release (Build) of Component

vsmGadgetserver 5.4.237

Revision of Implementation1.0.0.3

Name/Type of 3rd Party APIMagnum Router Control API
Version of 3rd Party API
Additional 3rd Party information


Connection TypeTCP/ IP
Default Port5766

Supported Features

A routing interface to the Evertz EXE Router.

Supported Commands

HandshakehelloInitiate authentication with the server.
Keep-AlivepingRequests server to notify the client that it is up and receiving messages.
Interrogate Destination Nameget.dst.range.nameQuery the names currently assigned to each destination in the given range.
Interrogate Destination Rangeget.dst.range.srcQuery the source currently on each destination in the given range.
Interrogate Source Nameget.src.range.nameQuery the names currently assigned to each source in the given range.
RouterouteRoutes the given source(s) to the given destination(s).
Lock Destinationdst.lockLocks the given destination(s) on all levels, preventing all users from routing on those destinations until they are unlocked.
Unlock Destinationdst.unlockClears any lock on the given destination(s), allowing any user to route to them. [Only the user who locked the destination, or one with 'Admin' privileges, may unlock a destination]
Protect Destinationdst.protectProtects the given destination(s) on all levels, preventing all users except the user protecting the destination(s) from routing on those destinations until they are unlocked. Protects are removed if the client who initiated the protect disconnects.
Unprotect Destinationdst.unprotectClears any protects on the given destination(s), allowing any user to route to them. [Only the user who protected the destination, or one with 'Admin' privileges, may unprotect a destination]
Route Updateupdate.routeNotify client that the source or lock state of a route has been modified.

Configuration Details

The video layer is on index 1. All audio layers will get mapped into one single layer on index 2.

The user can define the size of the audio layerm which represents the size of a single audio layer. This value will be multiplied by 25, which is currently the max layer count for audio. A mapping file is generated for the audio layers. Each audio layer can be moved within the global vsm audio layer via the <offset> </offset> tag. Download the mapping file, edit and upload again.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <identifier>Magnum System</identifier>
      <name>Audio Layer 0</name>
      <name>Audio Layer 1</name>
      <name>Audio Layer 2</name>
      <name>Audio Layer 3</name>
      <name>Audio Layer 4</name>
      <name>Audio Layer 5</name>

Known Issues

There are currently no known issues with the implementation.

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