Power Core - Uploading a Configuration
To get the system operational, you will need to transfer a suitable configuration using ON-AIR Designer.
For now, it is recommended to transfer one of the standard configurations available from the Downloads area at www.lawo.com (after Login). Alternatively, you can create a simple configuration using the 'New Project Wizard'.
The instructions below describe how to transfer the configuration to a single device. Note that it is possible to transfer the configuration to multiple devices if the project uses substitutions. This is explained in the ON-AIR Designer documentation.
The screenshot below shows where to find steps 3 to 7.
1. Start the software.
ON-AIR Designer starts automatically at the end of the software installation procedure. It can also be started from the desktop icon or Windows START menu.
The application opens with a blank operating window.
2. Open the project you wish to transfer using one of the following methods.
- Select File → Open from the main menus.
- Click on the
Toolbar icon.
- Press CTRL + O on your computer keyboard.
3. In the 'Project' window, select the unit from the Units field (if multiple units are configured).
4. Then tick the Online checkbox and make sure that you have a valid network connection to the device - the green indicator should be lit.
If the red indicator is lit, then check the IP address of the device and edit the IP-Address field to match - the online indicators will update.
5. If any changes have been made to the configuration, then these must be saved before the transfer.
Use either "File → Save" or "File → Save As" to save the project. You can use any file name and location, as long as the file type (.db3) remains unchanged.
If you edit the IP Address field in the 'Project' window, then the file must be saved, closed and re-opened.
6. Select Transfer -> Config to unit from the top menu bar, or click on the Toolbar icon.
If the option is greyed out, then there is no network communication to the device. Go back to step 4 until this is resolved.
7. A confirmation box appears. Check the details and select Yes to start the transfer.
The software now compiles the necessary files and transfers them to the device. The progress is shown in the Console status area at the bottom of the 'Project' window.
Once the transfer is complete you will see the lines "File loaded to unit" and "Sending restart". The device will go offline while it restarts. This is perfectly normal but may take a few seconds.
All systems perform a cold start, except for the Nova29 which warm starts (to keep all matrix crosspoints in place).
8. The new configuration data is loaded at the end of the boot-up sequence and the transfer is complete.
If your computer's firewall prevents the transfer, then change your firewall settings and retry.
9. You should now test the operation thoroughly to check that the system is working as expected.
For more information about how to configure Power Core using ON-AIR Designer, see Power Core - Configuration.