All of the available parameters for a processing blade can be accessed from the Device → Advanced tab (in HOME).

This tab is designed for technical users who need access to more advanced settings and informational fields. The same parameters can be accessed via Ember+ or REST API.

Advanced Parameter Tree

The following topics describe each branch of the parameter tree.

Opening the Advanced Tab (in HOME)

From the main "Devices" list, click on the processing blade label (to open the "Device Details" as described earlier). Then from the menu tabs, select Advanced.

If this is the first time you have opened the Advanced tab in the current browser session, then there is nothing selected in the navigation tree.

Viewing & Adjusting Parameters

The Advanced tab is divided into two sections: the navigation tree (on the left) and the parameter area (on the right).

  • Select an entry in the tree to display its available parameters - for example, the Synchronization main page.

If there are sub-pages available, then these can be accessed in one of two ways:

  • Click on the arrows in the navigation tree to show or hide the next level.
  • Or, scroll down to the bottom of the parameter area to view the Sub-Pages (as a list).

The example below shows how to navigate to the "Synchronization → PTP" page.

You can search for a parameter by typing into the "Search Parameters" field (at the top of the tree). All possible matches are displayed in the navigation area. Make a selection to open the parameter's page.

Click on the X (on the right of the "Search Parameters" field) to clear the search and revert to the unfiltered tree.

If a field can be edited, then it has a different background color or on/off slider. If there is no difference in background color, then the field provides information only.