The Statistics pages can be useful for diagnosing streaming errors.

Operation (using HOME)

There are seven sub-pages that provide diagnostic tools:

  • Media Network - for the media network ports.
  • IP Sender Summary - describes the IP flows for all senders in a single string (per SDI).
  • IP Receiver Summary - describe the IP flows for all receivers in a single string (per SDI).
  • IP Senders - individual statistics per IP sender: video, audio and meta.
  • IP Receivers - individual statistics per IP receiver: video, audio and meta.
  • Multicast IP Rx - statistics for the multicast IPs.
  • SDI Inputs - shows an error count (per SDI).

The screenshot below shows the IP Sender Summary.

Statistics → IP Sender Summary

To use this page, turn on the Enable Statistics Updates slider. There is one string for each SDI input. The contents of each string can be interpreted as follows:

“- -” ===  “ 0"

“ur” === unrouted (for IP receivers)

Units, all video rate is is Gbps(G) Audio Mbps(M)  Metadata Kbps(K)

Turn off the slider or click on Reset to reset the strings.