Lawo Flex - Activate the Subscription(s)
This topic describes how to activate the Lawo Flex subscription(s).
You must be an admin user to activate or cancel a subscription. Operators can view the status of all subscriptions, but cannot select the Activate or Cancel functions.
When a Lawo Flex subscription is purchased, its credits are transferred to the customer account. This happens automatically once the order is processed.
By default, all new subscriptions arrive in an inactive state. This allows the customer to manually activate the subscription and, hence, choose the start date for the billing period. After a grace period of 3 weeks, any inactive subscriptions are auto-activated (by the portal). All registered users of the account receive a notification email when this happens.
Please note:
- Only credits of an active subscription can be assigned to a HOME system.
- The customer is invoiced for all subscriptions that are in an active state. When a subscription is activated, this sets the "start date" of the billing period.
- A notification email is sent to all registered users of the account whenever new credits arrive; a subscription is activated or cancelled; or an active subscription is due to expire.
If credits are in use when a subscription expires, then nothing happens. Apps continue to run and productions can be finished, without limitation.
The change only becomes relevant once an app with expired credits is stopped, or the entire system / app server is shutdown. The app will not start up again as it has no valid credits. In this instance, you can top-up the available credits (with a new Lawo Flex subscription), revoke some existing credits (from another HOME system), or sacrifice an existing resource (by disabling an app or function).
The instructions below describe how to manually activate a Lawo Flex subscription.
1. The Lawo Flex subscriptions are managed from the Subscriptions page in the licensing portal.
If this a new account, then the list contains all of the Lawo Flex subscriptions associated with your order. By default, all new subscriptions arrive in an inactive state and so their status is shown as "New - Requires manual activation".
If you belong to more than one Lawo Flex account, please take care to select the correct one from the Account menu. In our example, the account is Lawo Dok.
2. To activate a subscription, select the respective line and click on Activate - a confirmation dialog opens.
3. Read the information and select Activate to confirm - a confirmation message appears (in blue) at the bottom of the screen.
The subscription is now active. The start date is shown in the Activated column and the renewal date is shown in the Status column.
Important: The customer is invoiced for all subscriptions that are in an active state. The start date (shown in the Activated column) is the start date of the billing period.
4. Repeat these steps to activate more subscriptions (as required).
The available credits can now be assigned to a system (as described in the next topic).
For more information about subscriptions, see Lawo Flex - Managing Subscriptions.