The "Stream Routing" page is used to manage all the network's streaming connections. From here you can connect a sender to a receiver, or interrogate the existing connections.

The page lists all available senders (on the left) and receivers (on the right).

  • In each case, there are two parts to the label: <device>/<sender> or <device>/<receiver>.
  • Use the vertical scroll bars to view all entries in each list. 

If a source is connected, then a number appears in the "source used" column. This indicates the number of connections made. i.e. the number of times a source is used.

If a destination is connected, then the source stream label appears in the "Connected Source" column. If the source is also in view, then a solid line appears. If there is more than one connection for difference essences, then the "Connected Source" label includes a suffix (e.g. +2). In this instance, click on the arrow beside the destination label to reveal the individual connections (as shown below).

The icons in the Essence column describe the type of content: Video, Audio, Metadata or GPIO. If more than one essence is supported, then an arrow appears beside the source or destination label. Click on the arrow to reveal the components (e.g. Video, Audio and Metadata).

Applying a Filter

To restrict the view, you can apply one or more filters. For example, to view all of the streaming connections from a particular device type.

In the example above, you should now see all of the A__stage64 senders (on the left). This view is ideal for connecting the device streams to other receivers on the network.

Making (and Unmaking) Connections

The Connect and Disconnect buttons are used to make and unmake the streaming connections.

Connecting a Sender to a Receiver

To make a connection, select a source and a destination.

Then click Connect - the dotted (preview) line changes to a solid line and the "Connected Source" field updates.

Using Disconnect

To remove a connection, select either a source or destination and click Disconnect.

  • If you disconnect a source, then all of its connections are removed and the "source used" field clears. 
  • If you disconnect a destination, then only the one connection is removed and the "Connected Source" field clears.

Connecting Multiple Senders to Multiple Receivers

You can select multiple sources and destinations in one of two ways: press and hold SHIFT or CTRL (on your keyboard) or turn on Multi Select (at the bottom of the page). This makes it easy to connect or disconnect multiple streams in one operation.

Follow the same steps as before, but press and hold SHIFT to select a range. Once a range is selected, press and hold SHIFT to increase (or decrease) the selected range. Alternatively, press and hold CTRL or turn on Multi Select to select (or deselect) individual streams.

When you click Connect (or Disconnect), the assignments are made in one operation. For example, to connect four senders to four receivers.

If there is a mismatch between the number of selected sources and destinations, then the sources are assigned consecutively to the available destinations. The exception is for a single source and multiple destinations: in this instance, the source is connected to all selected destinations (as shown below).

Connecting Essences

If a source or destination contains more than one essence, then they can be treated independently.

Click on the arrow beside the stream labels to reveal the individual components. Then edit the connection(s).

In the example below, Multiviewer2 / RX 2 is connected from .edge Studio / SdiIn 21: Video, Audio 1 and Metadata.

The screenshot below is taken after the audio stream is replaced by an 8-channel audio stream from the A__stage64.

Interrogating Connections

If a sender is connected, then it can be interrogated as follows.

1.    Select a source and click on Show Destinations.

The view updates to show only the destinations of the selected source (or sources). 

Tip: You can select a different source, or use SHIFT or CTRL to select multiple sources, while Show Destinations is active.

2.    Click on Done to exit the "Show Destinations" view and return to the list of all sources and destinations.

Opening the I/O Routing

For convenience, it is possible to open the I/O Routing page for an audio sender or receiver. This allows you to map the stream's IP channels to the device I/Os, and vice versa.

  1. Select a sender (or receiver) and click on I/O Routing.
  2. The "Routing" window opens. The operation is described here.

Note that the I/O Routing button is not available if you select more than one sender or receiver.