This documentation represents the latest state of information. Subject to availability, manuals covering former versions are provided via the Lawo Download-Center (after login).

General Safety & Important NotesLink to General Safety & Important Notes

When working with our hardware components, it is important to read and observe all of the instructions provided in the "General Safety Information for Lawo Equipment" booklet delivered with your devices.

The same symbols are used in the product documentation so please look out for them as follows. The letter in brackets before the signal word denotes the language version: e.g. (E) = English.

(E) WARNING - warnings or mandatory actions.

These instructions must always be observed to ensure the personal safety of the user, and to protect your system and the work environment from potential damage.

(E) IMPORTANT NOTE - important information for proper functioning.

Other Informational IconsLink to Other Informational Icons

When reading about our software or the general operation, you may also see the following icons.

General information and points of clarification. Please take note.

Useful tips and shortcuts. Feel free to follow if you like.

Notes. To avoid getting stuck, make sure you follow.

Important actions. To keep the system operational, you should always follow.

Further InformationLink to Further Information

Mechanical drawings and data sheets (including weights and dimensions) are available from the Lawo Download-Center (after login). We also recommend that you carefully observe the release notes for your product/system.

Lawo User RegistrationLink to Lawo User Registration

For access to the Lawo Download-Center, and to receive regular product updates, please register at:

Contact DetailsLink to Contact Details

If you need further assistance, the Lawo Support Department can be contacted by email at, or by telephone during normal working hours - please visit the Support area of the Lawo website for the most up-to-date contact details.