You can navigate to a different page by clicking on an option in the sidebar or drop-down menu.

  • Sidebar page menu (full-width screens)

  • Drop-down page menu (reduced-width screens)

The HOME Web UI has four main pages:

  • Devices - lists all devices known to HOME. From here you can label a device, define its network ports and configure its senders and receivers (visible in Stream Routing).
  • Stream Routing - manages the streaming connections. From here you can connect a sender to a receiver, or interrogate the existing connections.
  • Snapshots - lists the system snapshots. Snapshots can be used to create a backup of the complete configuration (i.e. all devices and stream routing).
  • Settings - provides access to more advanced settings.

Most of the work is done in the first two pages: "Devices" and "Stream Routing".