The Power Core Web UI can be used to provide status information about the system and perform a number of administrative and diagnostic tasks.

It can be reached by entering the IP address or hostname of Power Core into a web browser (e.g. if the default IP is in use). In User mode (no password). The computer you use must be connected to the same control network as Power Core. For more information, see _Power Core RP v2- Configuration Tools and Opening a Web UI Session.

In User mode, information is displayed as "read-only" with no editable fields. If you wish to edit or access the permitted options, then you must login as either Supervisor or Administrator. The default passwords are orion for Supervisor and hydra for Administrator.

Once you have opened a connection and logged in, you will see the available pages/tabs.

Optionally, the Web UI can be opened using a secure connection. The steps required to prepare the device are described later. Once the SSL certificates are in place, the Web UI can be opened using a "https" connection. Apart from the connection method, there is no difference in the functionality.

In the current release, there are five main menus each containing several sub pages/tabs. The rest of this section describes all available pages plus how to prepare a secure connection. Alternatively, use the quick links (below) to learn more about a particular function. 

The table below provides quick links to some of the most useful functions.

How to...
Change the time zoneEdit the Time Zone field in "System → Information".
Check the sync statusLook at the Sync area in "System → States".
Check the status of the hardware componentsLook at the "System → States" page (for the main frame) and "Peripherals" pages (for other components: MADI ports, I/O cards, AIOX devices, control surface and key panels).
Change the IP address of the control and streaming ports

Edit the IP Address fields in the "System → Control Network Interfaces" and System → RAVENNA Network Interfaces tabs.

Identify the Power Core devicePress the Identify button in "System → Control".
Reboot the devicePress the Reboot (Warmstart) button in "System → Control".
Change the passwords (for Supervisor and Administrator)Use the Edit Access Passwords area in "System → Control".