This topic describes how to check and update the system firmware using SoP Explorer.


SoP Explorer is the firmware update tool for Lawo on-air systems. It can be used to check and update the firmware versions on the Core, expansion I/O cards and, where applicable, the control surface and key panels.

You will need to run SoP Explorer whenever you update to a new version of software. The latest firmware files are copied onto the PC by the software installer. When SoP Explorer connects to the Lawo system, it compares the versions. If updates are required, data is transferred firstly to the Core, and then onto the other components.

Important: You should never update system while it is operational! The hardware will reset several times during the update process, causing interruption to the operation and audio.


SoP Explorer must be installed onto the configuration PC using the onair-designer.exe installer (as described earlier). Both the configuration PC and Power Core must be connected to the control network.

Opening a Connection to the System

Before you begin, check that the expansion I/O cards are installed and that any surface components, including key panels, are connected.

1.    Start the software.

SoP Explorer starts automatically at the end of the ON-AIR Designer software installation procedure. It can also be started from the desktop icon or Windows START menu.

If this is the first time you have launched SoP Explorer, then the "Unit Properties" window opens automatically. Alternatively, select Unit → New... (from the main menus).

2.    Edit the 'Unit Properties' to define the system you wish to connect to.

Usually it is enough to enter the IP address of the Core and leave the other fields at their default values. In a larger network with multiple devices, it can be useful to edit the Name field (to help identify the device in the system tree).

Select OK - the unit is added to the OnAir device group in the system tree. SoP Explorer connects to the device and analyses the current firmware revisions.

If a white cross on a red background appears beside the unit name, then SoP Explorer cannot connect to the device. Check that the IP address (entered in the "Unit Properties") matches that of the remote device. Then check the IP settings of the configuration PC and the network cabling.

3.    Once a connection is established, you can use the + and - signs (in the system tree) to reveal the components. 

For a Power Core system, you will see up to three components: System (for internal components), IOs (for expansion I/O cards) and Surface (for control surface modules and/or key panels). If the Surface branch is missing, then the surface components are not connected.

Editing the 'Unit Properties'

Once a unit is defined, you can re-open the 'Unit Properties' by selecting Unit → Properties... (from the main menus) or clicking on the button (from the toolbar).

If more than one device has been added to SoP Explorer, then you can use the Unit drop-down menu to select a different system.

The remaining fields can be edited as follows.

  • Ip - defines the IP address of the Lawo control system. This must be entered correctly, otherwise network communication cannot be established.
  • Name - identifies the system within SoP Explorer. A default name of OnAir Device is given to each new unit. It is a good idea to edit the name so that systems can be easily identified.
  • Group - is reserved for future implementation; the default group is always OnAir.
  • Sample Freq - this field is used to select the sample frequency for sapphire or Nova17. It has no function for other systems.
  • Configuration - this field is optional. It can be used to enter the file path for the system configuration. You do not have to enter a configuration, but if you do, you will able to open the ON-AIR Designer configuration by selecting Run → Configuration (from the main menus) or clicking on the button (from the toolbar).
  • Comment - this field is optional. It can be used to enter notes about the system.

Checking the Current Revisions

Once the unit is defined, select a component (e.g. System) to interrogate its software modules.

Several columns of information are provided: "Status", "Slot", "Hardware", etc. These are described in more detail later.

For now, use the "Status" column to check the firmware revisions. The table below describes all possible states.


Software is up to date.

No action required.

Software requires an update.

Update the module using one of the update methods.

Software is newer than the SoP Explorer release.

SoP Explorer cannot be used to downdate the software. Please contact the Lawo Support Department for assistance. 

Software cannot be updated by the SoP Explorer release.
Please contact the Lawo Support Department for assistance. 

Software cannot be identified. This may occur if you have not updated the system for a while.Please update the module and then refresh the connection.

Repeat to interrogate each component as applicable: System, IOs and Surface.

If all modules on all components are up to date, then you can close SoP Explorer. Alternatively, use the 'Software Update Wizard' to update the components.

Using the Software Update Wizard

SoP Explorer support three software update methods: Selected, Wizard and Force. Unless otherwise advised, it is recommended to use the 'Update Wizard'.

Important: While it is possible to update all components at once, it is strongly recommended that you update the components individually in the following order: System, IOs and then Surface.

1.    Start by opening the 'Software Update Wizard', either from the main menus (Run → Software Update → Wizard...) or toolbar.

2.    Check that the correct unit is selected (in the drop-down Unit menu).

3.    Then use the Type, Status and Software options to prepare the update as follows.

Start by selecting System (in the Type column) + UPD (in the Status column) + All (in the Software modules list).

4.    Select OK - a confirmation window appears.

5.    Select Continue to start the update.

Software updates can take several minutes. The progress is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the SoP Explorer window. Once the update is complete, the system cold starts.

6.    Wait for the system to reboot and then click on the refresh button on the toolbar .

7.    Now check the status of the System modules.

All modules should be equalized indicating that their software is up to date.

8.    Repeat the process but this time select IOs (in the Type column) to update the expansion I/O cards fitted to the Core.

9.    If a control surface is connected, repeat the process again but this time select Surfaces (in the Type column).

Once all software modules on all components are equalized, the firmware updates are complete and you can close SoP Explorer.

In the unlikely event that the 'Software Update Wizard' fails, you can try one of the alternative update methods.

Next Steps

Once you have completed the steps above, the system is ready to load the Power Core RP configuration.