• vSnmp is distributed in a single package, including both x86 and x64 bit installers (vSnmp.Setup.x86.msi and vSnmp.Setup.x64.msi files).
  • Unzip the downloaded ZIP file and run the appropriate installer.

    vSnmp requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
    You can download this package and install them manually: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653

  • Follow the installation instructions.
  • Open Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services to verify that the service vSnmp.Manager is running.
  • SNMP uses the UDP ports 161 and 162. You need to allow inbound and outbound connections to these ports through the firewall. Additionally, vSnmp uses the port range 12200 to 12211.
    Make sure that inbound TCP and UDP connections to these ports are allowed through the firewall.


vSNMP - User Manual

vSNMP - Installation

vSNMP - Connecting to a Device

vSNMP - Managing MIB Files

vSNMP - Working with Device Classes

vSNMP - The Ember+ Interface

vSNMP - Utilities

vSNMP - Technical Notes