This chapter covers the management of vsmStudio's communication ports.

Port settings must be made manually on every server in the cluster.

Symbol Legend for Connection Types:

X-Switches / Routers

UMDs and Monitor Splitters

S101.2 Bus




Linked Connections

New Port

To configure a new interface, left-click the port symbol in the main menu bar or press F8.

This will open the Manage Communication Ports window in which existing ports can be viewed and new ones set up.

Left-click on "New" to open the Ports window and select the required driver from the categories: X-switches, UMDs and Monitor Splitters, etc.

To open the categories, click the small plus sign located in front of the category name. If the required driver is found under the respective manufacturer's name, then select it.

Then left-click Next to open another window listing the available ports.

There are three different port types:

  • Local COM interfaces at the server.
  • Incoming connections to a defined port (TCP or UDP)
  • Outgoing connections to an IP address with port (TCP or UDP)

If the required interface is not listed, it can be added by selecting "New Port".

Outgoing Connections

To set up an outgoing connection, enter IP address and port and select TCP- or UDP- Outbound. After naming the port, confirm by clicking OK.

Incoming Connections

To set up an incoming connection, use the default IP address, enter a port, choose TCP Inbound, and enter a name for the new port. Confirm by clicking "OK".

COM Ports

It is not possible to add local COM ports here, as they are exclusively managed by the operating system.

Finishing the Setup

In each case, finish the set-up process by selecting a port and clicking "Finish". The new interface is added to the Manage Communication Ports window.

The Port Settings now automatically opens to configure further settings for the terminal device.

Port Settings

The vsmStudio software allows each port to be adapted individually. To do so, access the window Manage Communication Ports through the main menu bar or by pressing F8.
Use the driver categories on the left to sort the list or select root to view all configured ports.

Select a port and click Port Settings - this opens the Port Settings window.

From here you can configure further settings for the terminal device. Use the tabs on the left to access the different pages.

Note that the pages and their options vary depending on the driver; three different driver types are possible:

  • Under monitor/In-monitor display or Multi-viewer
  • Router or Automation
  • Video Mixer with tally and mnemonic

UMD/IMD or Multi-Viewer

If the driver is a UMD (IMD) or multi-viewer, then the Port Settings will look as follows:

The most important settings are:

Port Settings Page
In the Name field, a unique name for the terminal device must be entered.
Label Assignment Page
In this window, a target (Outbound) or source (Inbound) is assigned to each ID. Double-click on the relevant ID to open a window in which the signals can be assigned.

By assigning a target or a source (Inbound), it is possible to define whether the system will send a corresponding ID (Outbound) or an external label layer (Inbound). Under Outbound, it is also possible to specify that the system sends the name of the source that is connected to the target to this ID. Tally information is transmitted directly as well. Inbound means that the VSM control system receives a label and transmits it to the external label layer of the source.

Router or Automation

If the terminal device for the interface is a router or automation, then the Port Settings will looks as follows:

The most important settings are:

Port Settings Page
In the Name field, a unique name for the terminal device must be entered.
Layer Assignment Page
Depending on the driver chosen, one or multiple layers are displayed here. By double-clicking the relevant layer, a new window opens in which the layer can be assigned.

Select a layer using the drop down menu. If a router is assigned, the default setting The attached device is a outer is selected for the control direction.

If a virtual layer (vLayer) is chosen in the drop down menu, then it is most likely that a controlling instance is connected. In this case, the control direction must be changed to The attached device is a control system. When this function is activated, the layer acts as a router that can be controlled by an automation system.

Video Mixer

If the terminal device for the interface is a video mixer with tally and mnemonic, then the Port Settings will looks as follows:

The most important settings are:

Port Settings Page
In the Name field, a unique name for the terminal device must be entered.
Tally Settings Page
The fields under Tally Signal serve to define where the mapping of the GPIOs starts:

Use Select Layer to select the relevant, configured video mixer layer.

These areas must not overlap. Depending on the driver chosen, the window may differ from the screenshot shown above.

Port Settings

Depending on the driver type, the following Port Settings may also be available.

One Connection per Zone

The VSM control system operates in a so-called multiserver cluster. This means that every server located in the cluster establishes a connection with the terminal device. The function is not supported by every terminal device. In such cases, the attribute Only one Connection per Zone is activated. The server is so limited to only one active connection, while other servers remain on standby.

Duration until Disconnect

If a terminal device loses its connection to the server, the relevant IP port may not close. It is possible to define a time frame in milliseconds under Disconnect when Connection Idle for... after which vsmStudio disconnects automatically.

Duration until Re-connection Attempt

If the connection was lost or the terminal device was turned off, the VSM control system will attempt to re-connect the port after a defined period of time if this attribute is activated. This time frame can be entered in milliseconds under If connect fails, retry connect every... and will be used as default.

Number of Attempted Re-connects

If a terminal device loses its connection to the server cluster, vsmStudio will try to re-connect the port. The maximum number of re-connect attempts can be defined in the field following Limit the amount of retries to maximal... When this maximum number is reached, the port must be re-created manually.

Control & Trace

The Control & Trace page provides access to the following options:

Deactivating Ports through GPO

Every port can be activated or deactivated with a GPO (see GPIOs). In the field Enable this port using GPO, it is possible to enter an unassigned GPO that will activate or deactivate this or multiple ports. It is irrelevant whether the GPO is physical or virtual. The function can be provided with a logic and assigned to operating elements.

Signal Monitoring via GPI

Each port with a so-called heartbeat can be monitored with a GPI. To do so, an unassigned GPI that will monitor this port can be chosen following Signal Operational Status using GPI. This GPI can be either physical or virtual. Within the configuration, this function can be provided with a logic that creates alarms and can be assigned to operating elements.

Service Tool Trace

Check Enable Trace to activate the trace mode. It provides additional information in the CommTrace.

This function may affect the performance of your system.


The Attributes page displays attributes for the terminal device. Note that these will vary depending on the driver - below are three examples:

Attributes: UMD

Attributes: Router

Attributes: Video Mixer

Port Monitoring

Using the Manage Communication Ports window, it is possible to spot which ports are active and in working order, and at which points, if any, problems are occurring.

The symbols in front of the listed ports have the following meaning:

A connection is confirmed and operating.

A connection is confirmed but there is no valid communication.

A connection is confirmed, but there has been no communication in the last 15 seconds.

A connection is being established and pending.

A renewed connection is being established and pending.

A delayed connection is being established.

Connection failed.

Connection is disabled.

Connection is on standby (One zone Connect).

Connection is deactivated through a GPI.

Port has actively stated that it is the passive connection in a linked set or connection. 

It is situational when and if that happens and therefore the icon may vary, e.g. at times also the orange dot could be displayed. The result in terms of status and functionality is the same.

Inbound port (not showing any Connection status) .

VSM Dummy X-Switch

To simulate feedback from a router locally on a computer, vsmStudio offers a so-called VSM Dummy X-Switch. It allows the editing of a configuration without having access to the terminal devices that are to be controlled. 

The Dummy X-Switch connection should not be set up or at least be disabled on a Live vsmStudio Server.

The Dummy X-Switch can be selected from the X-Switches -> VSM driver list.

Select Finish to open the associated input mask, and navigate to the Layer Assignment page of the Port Settings window. Existing layers are assigned to the Dummy X-Switch by pressing Auto Assign.

In the Manage Communication Ports window, a green dot indicates whether a connection to the VSM Dummy X-Switch is in place:

A visual warning in form of a flashing yellow triangle indicator, next to the Server status on the vsmStudio toolbar, informs about any active Dummy Feedback.


There are individual protocols that cannot be selected directly through the vsmStudio software, but communicate via vsmGadgetServer. In this case the control system must be connected to the vsmGadgetServer, so that it can establish a connection with the terminal device.

The protocol to connect to vsmGadgetServer is called Ember+ (for further details please refer to the vsmGadgetServer documentation).

Ember+ for parameter control

Linking Redundant Provider Port Connections

This chapter describes how to link two port connections in vsmStudio, which are delivering redundant information.

From vsmGadgetserver v5.6.1.185 onwards it is mandatory to actively link redundant vsmGadgetServer provider connections in vsmStudio to achieve service redundancy.

In the Manage Communication Ports dialog select both provider connections from vsmGadgetserver, which you want to link.

Once two connection are simultaneously selected, the Link button at the lower edge of the window becomes active. Click it and a confirmation window will pop up, asking your to confirm your action. To link the selected ports, click Yes.

The Manage Communication Ports dialog now shows the two ports linked, indicated by a solid line symbol connecting both connections.

Ports are successfully linked now.