crystal - Control Interface Settings
This topic describes the "Control Interface" parameters that are used to configure the IP connection between the surface and Power Core.
The correct settings for your system will depend on whether the surface comprises one or two frames.
To check or edit the settings, open a Web UI connection to each device, log in as either Supervisor or Administrator, and look for the "Control Interface" parameters (in the "System → Control" tab). It is important to check both sides of the connection, so open a separate browser window for each crystal frame and Power Core.
If you make a change to the "Control Interface" settings, then you must reboot the device(s).
On Power Core...
On the Power Core side, there are four parameters: Mode, Target IP Address, Target port number and Interface.
- The default setting is CAN+IP. In this mode, Power Core can communicate with locally connected CAN bus panels (via its CAN port) and with crystal or diamond (via Ethernet).
- Choose CAN if there is no Ethernet connection to a surface or IP radio panel.
- Choose IP if there is no local CAN port connection to a CAN bus panel.
Target IP Address (Uni/Multicast) - sets the IP address for the surface connection.
- To use Multicast, the Target IP Addresses in Power Core and the surface must be identical. So, enter a suitable IP address group here and then copy it to crystal or diamond. The default setting is
- To use Unicast, you must enter the reciprocal IP address. So, enter the surface control port IP address here.
Target Port Number - sets the port number for the surface connection. The default is 6040.
Interface - selects the network interface for the surface connection.
- The default is dwc0.
- To use a different interface, choose an option from the drop-down menu: dwc0, dwc1, ra0, ra1, ra2 or ra3.
On crystal...
On the crystal side, start by checking the Module Control Mode option (under "Control Functions"). This must be set to PowerCore Control (and not OSC Control). If you need to change the mode, then a reboot is required.
Then configure the "PowerCore Control Interface" parameters: Mode, Target IP Address and Target port number.
Mode - sets the communication mode of the surface module. There are three possible options: CAN+IP, CAN or IP.
- The IP mode should be used if there is a single module connecting to Power Core (via IP).
- The CAN+IP and CAN modes can be used if you are connecting a second frame using an external CAN bus cable. In this instance, choose CAN+IP for the first frame and CAN for the second frame.
Note that the communication mode can also be reset from the surface (as described in the next topic).
Target IP Address (Uni/Multicast) - sets the IP address for the Power Core connection.
- To use Multicast , this must match the IP address group entered in Power Core. The default setting is
- To use Unicast, enter the reciprocal IP address. So, enter the Power Core control port IP address here.
Target Port Number - sets the port number for the Power Core connection. The default is 6040.
Note that there is no Interface field in crystal (as there is only one Ethernet interface per connector board).
Using a Different Network Interface on Power Core
It is possible to use any of the Power Core network ports for the IP connection to the crystal surface. For simplicity, it is recommended to use dwc0.
If you wish to configure a different network interface, then work through the following steps:
- Start by connecting via dwc0 (to access the Power Core Web UI).
- From here, edit the IP settings of the port you wish to use (via the "Network Devices" tab).
- Then edit the Interface option (under "Control Interface" in the "System → Control" tab).
- Reboot Power Core and check the communication.