Waves for mc² - Prerequisites
Please read the following important information before you begin.
Important Notices
- It is assumed that the default user AXIS is in use. The Waves system is not tested with another local user.
- The Waves Axis Scope PC can be configured either locally or remotely.
- An internet connection for the Waves Axis Scope PC is recommended but not mandatory.
- For remote configuration, there are two possibilities:
- If an internet connection is present, you can use a remote desktop software such as TeamViewer or AnyDesk. To use AnyDesk, it is important to follow the steps described here.
- If an internet connection is not present, then the PC can be prepared by opening a Windows Remote Desktop connection from another PC (as described here). For the remaining steps, you will need to use the offline method (described here).
- For local configuration without an internet connection, you will need to use the offline method (described here).
Please also note: During operation, the Waves host PC is switched to the console's Central GUI using the PLUGIN button (on the console). The remote desktop connection can be configured in one of two ways: using Windows Remote Desktop (integrated in Windows) or TightVnc (a VNC remote desktop software). To choose the best option for your installation, please read the pros and cons (described here). To use VNC, you will need the TightVNC software (listed below).
Software Downloads
It is recommended to download the following software before you start the setup.
- Waves Central - required to manage the Waves products.
(Link: https://www.waves.com/downloads/central)
- Waves Account - required to install and activate the Waves products.
How to launch Waves Central and create a new account is described here.
- DirectOut GlobCon software - required to configure the EXBOX.SG converter.
(Direct download link: https://storage.googleapis.com/globcon-web-api.appspot.com/globcon-1.13.2.exe)
- TightVNC software - required for a VNC remote desktop connection to the mc2 console.
(Direct download link: https://www.tightvnc.com/download/2.8.81/tightvnc-2.8.81-gpl-setup-64bit.msi)
- Notepad++ - recommended for the TCL file configuration.
(Direct download link: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v8.5.7/npp.8.5.7.Installer.x64.exe)
- PuTTY or MobaXTerm (Home free edition) - recommended for ssh connection to mc2 control system
(PuTTY Direct download link: https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/putty-64bit-0.80-installer.msi)
(MobaXTerm Direct download link: https://download.mobatek.net/2362023122033030/MobaXterm_Portable_v23.6.zip)
Remote Configuration
If the Waves Axis Scope PC has an internet connection, then it can be configured using a remote desktop software. The following options are recommended:
- TeamViewer
(Direct download link: https://download.teamviewer.com/full)
- AnyDesk
(Direct download link: https://anydesk.com/it/downloads/thank-you?dv=win_exe)
Using AnyDesk
For security reasons, you may wish to use AnyDesk, instead of TeamViewer. In this instance, it is necessary to disable the "Discovery" function (in AnyDesk).
- Go to: Global Settings\Access\Discovery, and uncheck the following box: "Search local network for other AnyDesk clients"
If this step is not in place, the discovery process between the Lawo console and Waves SuperRack colud not work.
Windows Remote Desktop Configuration
If the Waves Axis Scope PC has a management network connection, then it can be remotely configured using a Windows Remote Desktop session.
Important: Start by checking the following points:
- To open a remote session, the jump PC must be connected to the management network.
- To open a remote session, the jump PC must have a static IP address in the same subnet of the management network.
- Execute a ping command from the jump PC to the AXIS Scope PC to check the network connection.
- Create in your PC (or in the jump PC) a Windows Remote Desktop connection and enable the remote audio playback functionality.
If the steps above are not in place, the GlobCon software will not be able to discover the EXBOX.SG card.
To configure the Windows Remote Desktop Connection:
- In the "General" tab, define the "Logon settings":
- In the “Computer” field, enter the IP address of the Waves Axis Scope PC. The default IP address =
- In the “User Name” field, enter AXIS
- Go to "Local Resources" and, under "Remote audio", click on Settings.
- Under "Remote audio playback", choose the Play on remote computer option and click on OK to confirm.
- Go back to the "General" tab.
- Enable the Allow me to save credentials option.
- Click on Connect and, when requested, insert the password AXIS