This function allows you to spill a stereo channel into two mono channels, so that you can adjust the left and right parameters.

It is useful for telephone hybrids or playback machines where users need fast access to separate legs of a stereo channel to adjust imaging, dynamics, etc.

ConfigurationLink to Configuration

For this function, define the user button number (1 to 16) and the button color for the on state.

OperationLink to Operation

Once the "stereo spill" fader user button is defined.

  1. Place the stereo channel in access by pressing its fader SEL button.
  2. Press the "stereo spill" fader user button to reveal the left and right channels. The right channel is inserted beside the left at the selected channel position.
  3. This function is designed to be used temporarily, so once "stereo spill" is turned off, the original fader strip assignments are reinstated.