Connecting a Talkback Mic
Front Panel User Buttons & Connector

Rear Panel Connectors

The female XLR on the front panel can be used to connect a talkback microphone.
It is wired directly to the male XLR (marked TB) on the console's rear panel. Note that the console does not include a dedicated talkback mic preamp, and so the rear panel TB connector must be wired either to an external communications system (via a mic preamp), or to one of the console's local mic/line inputs (via the rear panel). MIC IN 16 is intended for this purpose, as it can be switched away from the MIC IN 9-16 Sub D and onto the MIC IN 16 XLR by adjusting the recessed switch as shown above. All that remains to be done is to connect the two XLRs, using a short cable, to complete the circuit.
Configuring Talkback
The talkback source must be defined in all user-defined Custom Functions. You can set the input gain by temporarily assigning the designated mic input to a channel.
Talkback switching is programmed from the Custom Functions display. It can be switched from the fader strip using a FADER USER BUTTON, or from the centre section using a TALKBACK or CENTRAL USER BUTTON.
Please refer to the following Custom Functions for more details:
- Fader User Button, Talkback to Channel
- Central User Button, Talkback to Access Channel
- Central User Button, Talkback to DSP Channel