This feature can be used to control something other than the main channel level from the console's faders. For example, to adjust aux send levels from the faders.

  1. Start by locating the FADER CONTROL area in the centre section.
  2. Choose a level to adjust. For example, press AUX SENDS to assign an aux send.
  3. The fader labels across the console show the parameter name (e.g. AUX 1), and flash to warn you that you are now controlling something other than the main channel level!
  4. You can now use the arrow buttons to scroll through the available aux sends.
  5. Alternatively, touch an aux send control on the Central Control Section (to place it into the clipboard). Then press USE TYPE - this switches the faders directly to say Aux Send 28 without scrolling.
  6. When you have finished, deselect the level option (e.g. AUX SENDS or USE TYPE) to return the faders to their normal operation.

The following level parameters can be controlled in this manner: AUX SENDS (send levels); DIG AMP (digital amplifier gain); INSERT SEND (insert send level); DIR OUT (direct output level); AFV (audio follow video On level); LFE (Subwoofer level).

Please note: You can only assign valid level objects to the faders. If you try to select say EQ gain in step 5, then the USE TYPE button is not available.

Tip: The FADER CONTROL of levels function can be used to quickly set all aux sends from a channel to the same level (e.g. unity gain).

  1. Start by assigning AUX 1 to the faders and set its level (e.g. move the fader to 0dB).
  2. Keep touching the fader and scroll through the aux sends using the left and right arrow buttons – each aux send is set in turn to 0dB.

The following custom function can be used to automatically switch the aux sends to the faders when an aux is placed in AFL: