This document explains how to set control and restrict access to panel via vsmPanel based on the user and domain name.


Any vsmPanel session sends the user and domain name of the User using the remote vsmPanel software to the server.

The server searches for the correct panel to be displayed, based on the following rules:

  1. Use the specific panel where the name of the panel matches the User name. Usage: <User>: <User>@<domain>
  2. Use the specific panel where the name of the panel matches the IP address. Usage: <IP>: <remote IP address> (Please note the Examples below)
  3. Use the specific panel named “User” if no panel match as described above is found. Usage: <User: *>
  4. Use the specific panel that matches the selected vsmPanel ID if no panel match as described above is found.

The effective user string is shown in CommTrace when the device connects.


  • The correct panel name for a hypothetical user “Harry” on domain “acme” would therefore be “User: Harry@acme”.
  • The correct panel name for a vsmPanel connecting from “” would be “IP:”.

In order to make best use of Access Control rules if connecting from a vsmPanel client, enter the vsmPanel configuration mode of your vsmPanel client.

If the vsmPanel shall only be assigned automatically, you can set the client to "Panel ID read-only" via the "View" tab. Confirm with "OK". 

Navigate to the Connection tab and set the Panel ID: to "0". Confirm with "OK". This way the client will receive the dedicated Panel as specified by IP or User name. The vsmPanel client won`t be able to display any virtual panel f it does not find a matching name.