In order to use Lawo Events these have to be associated with a GPI or GPO. To do so enter LAWO= followed by a list of events as described below into the comment field of a GPI or GPO. Please note, that no characters may precede the LAWO= keyword.

The Comment field is evaluated when the associated GPI or GPO changes its state. When the system recognizes the LAWO= keyword the string following is parsed and executed.

The string following the keyword is interpreted as following:

<Event Number>Sets or clears the specified Lawo Event corresponding to the state of the GPI or GPO.
S<Event Number>Sets the specified Lawo Event
C<Event Number>Clears the specified Lawo Event

Multiple Events may be separated with e.g. a comma or any other delimiter.


(When the GPI changes its state, Lawo event 13 is set, event 14 is set or cleared corresponding to the GPI’s state and event 15 is cleared.)
The Events are sent to all Lawo devices that support Events in there protocol. If two devices are online both receive the event changes simultaneously.