Understanding the Lawo Mapping File

The following sections can be found within a Lawo mapping file (Lawo-Nova73.ini).

Read only:

[Internal]This internal information

Read only, unless authorized and trained:

[Targets]List of all known targets <Index> = <HLSD>, <… Imported information…>
[Sources]List of all known sources <Index> = <HLSD>, <… Imported information…>

Configuration Entries:

[GPI]List of HLDS which are mapped to GPIs <Index> = <HLSD>
[GPO]List of HLDS which are mapped to GPOs <Index> = <HLSD>
[Labels]List of HLSDs which receive labels <Index> = <HLSD>
[Devices: GPC]List of GPC Numbers <GPC Number> = “<Name>”
[Devices: SDI]List of SDI HLSDs <HLSD> = “<Name>”
[Silence Detect]List HLSDs to monitor <Index> = <HLSD>