Dynamic Assignment of A__ Devices to mc² Consoles (Ember+ Proxy)
The underlying functionality used in this application example is also known as Ember+ Proxy.
Requirement Description
We assume a production facility, consisting of two studio floors and two control rooms. Each control room hosts a mc² console, and each studio floor is equipped with 4 A__mic8 stagebox devices. For a production, the mc² console in one control connected to the A__ devices in one studio. In this setup, 2 productions can be hosted in parallel.
If all audio devices are connected via the same network, media flows could be easily routed from studio floor to control room. However, the control connections between consoles and A__ devices remain static, as they are based on fixed IP connections. This makes the assignment of a studio floor to a gallery static, too.
Modern workflows require a dynamic assignment of resources. In the example below, the simplified use case would be the swapped assignment of control rooms and studio floors, may because the studio floors vary in their maximum capacity or the control rooms are differently equipped.
To unleash the full flexibility, a possibility must be introduced to dynamically map control connections. VSM offers this possibility in for of a plugin in vsmGadgetserver, which maps consumed Ember+ connections into provided connections. This functionality is called Remote Protocol Mapping.
With this plugin, vsmGadgetserver is able to create a simple consumer/provider matrix, which it can expose to external for the purpose of control. The matrix has not limitations for the number of inputs and outputs. In the example above, remote control is forwarded to vsm pushbutton panels. Alternatively, it would also be possible to control the mapping matrix through any other ember+ consumer.
Related Articles
To learn more about the functionality details, please refer to the following articles:
- Configuring the mc² for dynamic A__ assignment: Using VSM Gadget Server for Assignment of A__ Devices to MCX Environments
- Configuring vsmGadgetserver for Remote Protocol Mapping: Remote Protocol Mapping