This topic describes the video gearboxing option for SDI inputs and outputs.


Video gearboxing is a licensed option that enables 3G UHD gearboxing for a quad-link 3G-SDI signal (input or output).

It allows you to connect 4 x 3G-SDI inputs or outputs to transport a 12G signal (also known as quad-link 3G-SDI). The 4 x 3G-SDI signals must connect to one of the 12G-capable rear I/O blocks: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, etc.

The license also supports the following features:

  • SDQS (Square Division Quad Split), 2SI, and 4 x super slow motion. Includes VPID insertion on the output interface (2-sample interleave, SMPTE ST352 payload identification).
  • Link Rotate - allows automatic reshuffling of a four-wire 3G-SDI link whose cables were connected in the wrong order (based on 2-sample interleave signal identifiers).

Configuration via HOME

In HOME, there are two ways to edit the gearbox parameters: via the SDI I/O tab or Advanced parameters. Here we describe the SDI I/O tab, as this is the best/simplest method for most applications.

Video Gearboxing (on) for SDI Input

  1. From the main "Devices" list, click on the processing blade label (to open the "Device Details" as described earlier).
  2. Select the SDI I/O tab and then either SDI Inputs or SDI Outputs.
  3. Select the SDI input (or output) you wish to adjust and reveal the Properties sidebar to access the SDI input parameters.
  4. Use the Gearbox menu to turn the option on. Note that the option is hidden if there is no gearbox license. There are three possible modes: Auto, On and Off.
    1. If you choose Auto, then the gearbox can be enabled automatically by the SDI Inputs Preset. Alternatively, you can choose to force the option on or off.
    2. When the Gearbox is active, the Link Rotate option can be enabled to “fix” any errors in the input cabling.


If you cannot see the Gearbox menu, then this is because there is no license assigned to the selected SDI input or output instance. Please see .edge - License Activation to activate the required license.

Advanced Operation

The same features can be accessed from the Gearbox branch of the Advanced parameters.