In order to connect a processing blade to the network, it must be fitted with the correct optical transceivers. These must be Lawo-certified (as described earlier).


The optical transceivers are hot-pluggable, so they can be fitted or exchanged while the device is powered.

When fitting modules of different types (e.g. SFP, SFP28 & QSFP28), take care not to mix up the modules. The image below shows an example of an optical transceiver.

SFP Installation

Before fitting or removing a transceiver, please read and observe the following important safety information.


This equipment may use Class 1 Laser products. It emits invisible laser radiation that may lead to eye injury.

  • Never look directly into optical components or optical fibre cables.
  • Keep optical components closed by protection plugs when unused.
  • For your safety connect all fibre cables first before turning on the equipment.


Cet équipement peut utiliser des produits laser de classe 1. Il émet un rayonnement laser invisible qui peut entraîner des lésions oculaires.

  •    Ne regardez jamais directement dans les composants optiques ou les câbles à fibres optiques.
  •    Gardez les composants optiques fermés par des bouchons de protection lorsqu'ils ne sont pas utilisés.
  •    Pour votre sécurité, connectez d'abord tous les câbles à fibres optiques avant d'allumer l'équipement.


  • Before removal, please unlock the transceiver to avoid mechanical damage to the slots. 
  • If a transceiver is removed, please refit the device's dust cap to protect the internal components.
  • When fitting an optical transceiver, you must use the correct fiber type for your remote device. Using the wrong fiber type, or exceeding the maximum optical input power, can result in a malfunction of, or damage to, the device.

Instructions (for insertion)

SFP modules must only be inserted when there is no cable connected.

1.    Disconnect the cable from the SFP module or remove its dust cap (as applicable).

We recommend that you label the cable before it is disconnected (for easy reconnection to the correct port at a later time).

Please watch out for locks on the cable connector, and unlock these to release the cable. In some cases, this must be done while pulling the cable out of the SFP.

You must take care to prevent electrostatic discharge to the SFP module. This can be done by grounding yourself and taking ESD measures. Do not touch the contacts of the SFP.

When disconnecting the cable from an optical transceiver, take care to cover the unplugged optical cable with a dust cap.

2.    Remove the dust cap from the SFP cage on the device.

Any spare dust caps should be stored carefully so that they can be replaced if a module is removed.

3.    Before inserting the SFP, flip the extraction lever (at the front) up to its rest position.

4.    Slide the SPF gently into the slot.

Please note: if the SFP is upside down, then it will not glide in easily.

The SFP module must slide in smoothly without force. When done correctly, the contacts of the SFP glide into the contacts of the device. At this moment, press firmly until the module locks into position (you will hear a click).

5.    Check that the SFP is locked by pulling on it without lifting the extraction lever.

  • If the module cannot be removed, it is installed correctly. 
  • If the module can be removed, then check its orientation: perhaps the SFP is inserted upside down.
  • Repeat step 4 until the module is securely latched into the SFP cage.

6.    After inserting an optical transceiver, take care to immediately connect the optical cable or fit a dust cap.

When connecting a cable, make sure that the cable connector locks into position correctly (you will hear a click).

Instructions (for removal)

SFP modules must only be removed when there is no cable connected.

1.    Disconnect the cable from the SFP module.

We recommend that you label the cable before it is disconnected (for easy reconnection to the correct port at a later time).

As before, watch out for locks on the cable connector, and unlock these to release the cable. In some cases, this must be done while pulling the cable out of the SFP.

You must take care to prevent electrostatic discharge to the SFP module. This can be done by grounding yourself and taking ESD measures. Do not touch the contacts of the SFP.

When disconnecting the cable from an optical transceiver, take care to cover the unplugged optical cable with a dust cap.

2.    Before removing the SFP, flip the extraction lever (at the front) down. Then use the lever to pull out the SFP.

3.    Pull firmly until the contacts of the SFP glide out of the contacts of the device.

From this point onwards, the SFP must slide out smoothly without force.

4.    After removing the SFP module, take care to refit a dust cap immediately to the device's SFP cage (to protect the internal components) and to the SFP module (if the transceiver is optical).