mc² Release Notes - 10.8.0
Software version 10.8.0 is a major software release for the mc² consoles based on the A__UHD Core Phase 2 technology.
This software release package applies to the following products:
- mc²96
- mc²56 MKIII
- mc²36 MKII
- mc²36 MKII xp
- A__UHD Core
A__stage series
- A__madi4/6
- A__mic8
- mc² Compact I/O
- Power Core Gateway
Release date: December 7th, 2023
Contained Versions:
Version History
Release (December 7, 2023)
Before you begin.
Please make sure that you have all necessary applications and tools available before you start the update.
We strongly recommend that the software versions used are from the same release packages.
Upgrading HOME Cluster to Release 10.8.0
Online as offline installers are available
Note that the default network interface description has been changes with HOME 2.0. These need to be adapted in the network configuration in the HOME servers
Please contact customer support or your project manager / engineer for more details
Update redundant A__UHD Cores safely
When upgrading A__UHD Cores that are part of a redundancy group, please follow the procedure below:
- The primary A__UHD Core should be active.
- Update the passive/backup A__UHD Core first.
- After successful update - turn off the backup/passive A__UHD Core.
Update the primary A__UHD Core
When primary comes back online, power up the backup/passive A__UHD Core again.
Using NodeSys Upgrader will handle this automatically - beware to enable automatic failovers in NodeSys Upgrader, once the upgrade is finished.
Updating A__UHD Cores and A__Line Devices
After updating NodeSys based devices, always perform a full power cycle of the devices afterwards.
Breaking Changes
Partial Updates are not possible. Release 10.8 strictly requires NodeSys and HOME .
Power Core Gateway
- Due to the implementation of Power Core Rev3, a backup of the crosspoints needs to be created. After the update the Power Core loses existing cross points and uses default connections, similar to what happens during a coldstart
- It is necessary to upload a converted config to the device, otherwise signals may be wrong or not available.
- Please note that source related Loudness gain parameters and settings available in On-Air designer and Web UI should not be used in production. They are experimental features only and will be licensable add-on.
- The maximum samples per frame for an outgoing stream is reduced to 64. If a higher value was previously configured, it will be reduced to 64 automatically.
- Due to the new logic engine of VisTool, projects needs to be recompiled and may report errors of non-connected logical states. These need to be set again.
New Features
Pooling 16 & 32 Licenses
- New Pooling 16 & 32 licenses allows to split an A__UHD Core into up to 32 Virtual Mixers.
- Even more granular and cost-effective system designs in environments with multiple smaller ACRs using either hardware or software.
- The same constrains regarding channel raster and resource distribution applies.
Extension to 256 Aux Buses available in the system
- In order to have a full set of 256 Aux Buses available, AFL & PFL Listen, which occupies 8 channels, have to be disabled.
- AFL & PFL Listen can be disabled via a new dedicated switch on the DSP configuration page.
- By default this switch is ON.
- The switch status is stored in and loaded from Productions.
- Data from old Snapshots and Presets is properly converted.
- A new revision has been introduced for snapshots and presets.
CRM Processing Channels
- There is a new channel type "CRM Processing" introduced to MCX.
- Any DSP resources allocated for these channels are drawn from the DSP Input channel count.
- There are two new options in the DSP Configuration page called CRM Processing: CRM 1 / HP 1 and CRM 2 / HP 2.
- This option is stored in and loaded from Productions.
- Per default this option is switched OFF.
- The DSP Configuration page is still divided in a 8 channel grid. So e.g. a 5.1 surround format would still reduce the input count by 8 but would only allocate 6 channels in the DSP. Therefore, e.g. activating HP1 (stereo) additionally would not reduce the input count any further because 8 channels were already reserved.
- The preview of actual allocated DSP resources at the bottom of the page shows the actual DSP allocation besides the other channel types.
- It is possible to
- Enable CRM Processing for CRM 1.
- The format is set via TCL.
- Enable CRM Processing for CRM 2.
- The format is set via TCL.
- Enable CRM Processing for HP 1 (always stereo).
- Enable CRM Processing for HP 2 (always stereo).
- Enable CRM Processing for CRM 1.
- If there are any CRM Processing channels enabled.
- there is a new entry in the Signallist > DSP Outputs called "CRM Processing Outputs".
- there is a new entry in the Signallist > DSP Inputs called "CRM Processing Inputs".
- CRM Processing channels can be accessed via Access/Assign using NEXT/PREV and are located right after AFL/PFL.
- Routing to/from these CRM Processing channels can also be pre-configured using TCL.
- It is not possible and actively prevented to route CRM Processing channels to any other buses (bus assignments).
- CRM Processing Channel parameters are always isolated from snapshots and only stored in and loaded from Productions.
- CRM Processing Channels do not have a surround master channel.
Signal Flow: CRM CoMixer Matrix -> CRM Processing In -> DSP -> CRM Processing Out -> Speaker Out (Line or AES3
Since the CRM format is set via TCL configuration, it is also possible to set custom connects.
Advanced Bus Routing
- A new System Settings option in Global > Status has been introduced that is named "Advanced Bus Routing"
- This setting is stored in and loaded from Productions
- Per default this setting is OFF.
- Changing this setting opens a confirmation dialog.
- If the Advanced Bus Routing option is set to ON, it is possible to route Auxes and Sums to
- Groups
- Sums
- Auxes
- Routing a Bus to itself is prevented, like it is already for Groups.
- We do not actively prevent any loop routing (e.g. Group 1 > Aux 1 > Group 1).
- If the Advanced Bus Routing option is set to OFF, not applicable bus assignments will be cleared!
Signal Routing Presets
- Sort of partial snapshot mechanism allowing to store and recall signal routings of destinations.
- stores and recalls in first incarnation.
- signal routes from A, B, C inputs at once.
- source selection status.
- a non-connect is stored as disconnect.
- it is also possible to remove destinations from a preset so these become untouched when the preset is recalled.
- if a source is completely unavailable within the system when a preset is loaded, a disconnect of this destination is performed.
- TCL interface is provided and content of preset can be only retrieved by TCL for now.
- If all possible channel formats of a destination shall be stored in preset, it is adviced to save mono, stereo, surround versions including connects of the same sources in the same preset so USAs are identical and just distributed on leg level accordingly to the chosen channel format.
New VCA Map Page
- A new page has been created under the "Buses" page-stack called "VCA Map".
- This page displays a matrix-like overview of all 128 VCA Buses as Y-axis and assignable channels (Inputs, Groups, Auxes, Sums, GPCs, VCAs, Surr-Masters, RPx-Inputs, RPx-Auxes) as X-axis.
- The matrix is responsive to the actual available resources based on the current DSP configuration.
- Labels follow the format "Channel Name / User Label".
- There is a dropdown selection to switch the view between channel types as well as spin buttons to toggle through.
- The outer row and column boxes within the matrix do indicate if there is any assignment made. However these do not allow to trigger all, but allow none assignments.
- There are two buttons in the buttom left corner:
- "Remove All Assignments"
Removes all VCA assignments of the current view (also those that are invisible since those are scrolled out left or right). It does not clear any assignments that are not visible due to the channel type selection.
- "Remove All Assignments"
- "Update Last Snapshot"
Updates the current active Snapshot / last loaded Snapshot. This does not require any confirmation.
- "Update Last Snapshot"
Cuelist Side Panel
- A new sidepanel page has been introduced named "Cuelist".
- The Cuelist panel is part of the default configuration and located after the CRM panels.
- This Cuelist shows all active Cue Points in the appropriate order.
- The current, previous and next Cue Points are highlighted and always centered.
- Memo1 is displayed in full for the current, previous and next Cue Points.
- There is an indication, if an X-Fade is currently in progress.
- Additionally a shortcut button which leads directly to the Cuelist page is located at the bottom of the panel.
Console Lock
- The possibility to lock the console surface via a button press shortcut has been introduced.
- The lock can be activated by pressing and holding these buttons on the surface in the following sequence: "Signal" + "Chan Config" + "Production Update"
- All logics for setting the global lock/unlock are implemented in the console io.
- In lock state it is not possible to:
- Adjust faders/joystick.
- Push buttons.
- Adjust encoders.
- Touchscreens input.
- Any mouse click or keyboard input.
- Main and Mirror Consoles are treated independently about their lock state.
- Changed fader values on the surface while in lock state will be reverted to their state when locked.
- The BAY and GUI displays show a lock screen as a modal overlay.
- External control (e.g. mxGUI, Ember+) is not affected.
- Putting the console into lock state triggers a production update.
Trim Sets & Oversnaps Rework
Trim Set Merge
- It is now possible to permanently merge an Oversnap into a Snapshot.
- This only applies for DSP parameters (e.g. no surface assignments or routings/connects).
- There is a new button 'Merge into Snapshots' in the Operations area of the Snapshot Trim Sets page.
- Clicking this button will invoke a pop-up that allows to:
- Select a Snapshot folder
- Lists the Snapshots within the selected Snapshot folder
- Assign/unassign Snapshots within this list or select all
- If there is a Trim Set linked to a snapshot already, the system will automatically merge these two Trim Sets.
- If a live Trim Set is active within the system and a snapshot is loaded with an attached Trim Set on top. The attached Trim Set and the live Trim Set are merged together.
- The absolute values of the live Trim Set overwrite the values in the attached Trim Set of a snapshot when loaded.
Trim Sets and Fade Sets compatibility
- Fade Sets can now work in conjunction with Trim Sets.
- absolute as well as relative Trim Sets are respected and crossfaded accordingly.
- absolute as well as relative Trim Sets can be crossfaded side by side.
- If a Trim Set is currently active, its target values will be used by set Fade Sets.
- Current active Trim Set Data (Warmstart data) are not recalled by a Snapshot and therefore is not respected by a crossfade.
- An Oversnap attached to a Snapshot takes precedence over current active Trim Sets when loading the Snapshot.
- Oversnaps (Production Data) attached to Snapshots are respected by a crossfade.
- The Fade Set options „At Start“ and „At End“ for switchable functions like „mute“ are applied accordingly on top of a crossfade.
- Isolated Channels or Modules remain untouched as currently already the case.
Trim Sets as fine-grain salvos
- MCX supports loading a Trim Set on its own now. Applying relative or absolute changes of this Trim Set to the current state of the console.
- There is an additional flag being introduced in the Trim Set block, that indicates to the load Snapshot event, that there is only a Trim Set without a Snapshot, if that flag is set.
- This allows to keep the load Snapshot event as is, but really load this as partial Snapshot.
- The column "Type" is used to indicate that this is a converted Trim Set with displayed type "Trimset".
- There is a command M-Number introduced to convert a Trim Set area to a Fine-grain Snapshot file.
- It is possible to use Xfade with these Trim Set salvos as well.
Trim Set UI rework
- The Trim Set page has been reworked in order to accommodate the new features
mxGUI Apple Silicon CPU support for UTM
- mxGUI Apple Silicon ARM CPU support has been implemented for the free VM Host Application "UTM".
- Compatible from UTM Version 4.2.5+.
- Note: Apple Silicon UTM mxUpdater won't work and is disabled.
- Note: Shared Folders are not yet supported.
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-14 - GUI unresponsive to inputs
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-47 - MCX vGPIOs can't be connected to other MCX vGPIOs via HOME UI
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-91 - Redundancy File Synchronization: Files are not completely in sync on active and passive systems after production load
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-94 - A/B/C switching does not work when signals are unavailable
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-100 - mcx_index for connects returns non existent destinations for sources
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-108 - Sidepanel cut off on main fader metering page
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-110 - All metering scales with analog reference do not show the correct value
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-111 - Channel Config Page: Confirmation dialog for Stereo, Solo safe, Dir-Out and Link metering appears
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-117 - Share Group Override Timeout does not fit with real time.
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-122 - GPIO Stream Routing is disconnected after a coldstart of MCX
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-127 - Isolate Flags not loaded from production if signal format changes to stereo
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-128 - Format of Monitoring Sidepanel can only be changed for CRM1 and CRM2
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-138 - Access/assign button of mc2 36mkII not lid when activated
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-140 - Switching from mono to stereo increases the input gain by 24dB
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-145 - Change source parameter default back to LINE mode
RNDMCX-1019 - Accidentally uploading invalid files to the current production snapshot directory will crash fileworker process on next startup
- RNDBUGSNODESYS-5 - RTCP is always off, not possible to activate within Ember / UI
- RNDBUGSNODESYS-6 - Temporary licenses are counted down despite invalid configuration
- RNDBUGSNODESYS-12 - Unassigning PTP from all interfaces fails and does not repair unless reboot
- RNDBUGSNODESYS-22 - manual media port link down does not become active again after the "up" command via the command line
- RNDBUGSNODESYS-23 - Web UI zeigt nicht automatisch die aktuellen Daten an -> manueller refresh erforderlich
- RNDBUGSNODESYS-36 - Streamer: Übergangsweise kein Status für RX pri
- RNDBUGSNODESYS-39 - Config/Coeffs small summing matrixes stay persistent after a Coldstart
- RNDBUGSNODESYS-40 - Voltage measurement in UHD Core sporadically false
- RNDHOME-23] - As a customer I want to configure an NMOS Importer Proxy on a Gateserver
- RNDHOME-114] - Lawo UI maintenance - Linting
- RNDHOME-127] - Merge the refactored Nodesys GPIO mechanism into release/v1.8
- RNDHOME-128] - Implement the new GPIO mechanism for Powercore
- RNDHOME-130] - Implement retro fit addrs and routes support into resplice
- RNDHOME-136] - Lawo UI maintenance - MiddleEllipsis stories and tests
- RNDHOME-137] - HOME needs is_Rebootable feature flag for devices. (with reference TP#38468))
- RNDHOME-147] - NMOS Exporter (04 API) - add attached network device info -(LLDP info)
- RNDHOME-150] - Regression test prelude service for ASR changes
- RNDHOME-158] - As a customer I want to see the source essence label in the Connected Source cells of the Stream Routing page
- RNDHOME-159] - As a customer, I want to see sender labels in the Stream Routing page
- RNDHOME-179] - As a customer I want to see the status of proxy generation per SDI input in the SDI input table
- RNDHOME-198] - In advanced controls we should handle pages without controls
- RNDHOME-200] - Lawo UI maintenance - GridTable simplify selection state
- RNDHOME-211] - As a manufacturer, I want to be able to sell perpetual licenses to enable customers to run specific HOME apps
- RNDHOME-213] - As a customer I expect a notification if I my HOME instance reaches functional limits which require an additional license
- RNDHOME-236] - Nodes count and selected device count in exporter dialogue at nmos page is mismatched when exported device goes offline - (backend)
- RNDHOME-249] - As a user, I want to view the list of imported devices in a dialog (frontend)
- RNDHOME-256] - Grouped virtual-mixer device gets stuck in nmos exporter registry after user ungrouped at home side.
- RNDHOME-278] - HOME UI needs to indicate when licensing service is not running
- RNDHOME-284] - HOME needs to be very visible when a HOME App is running without a license
- RNDHOME-302] - Cluster Installer updates for Home 2.0
- RNDHOME-303] - Standardise usage of VidParams::ExactFrameRate field
- RNDHOME-304] - Optimise bifrost handling of Issues and Issue Explanations
- RNDHOME-308] - HOME Apps: Default Output URL field
- RNDHOME-309] - As a user, I want to know if an app is running unlicensed
- RNDHOME-313] - As a user I want to edit a Home system's label
- RNDHOME-326] - Support devices that operate in IGMPv2 only
- RNDHOME-327] - Gateserver Update - Ensure powercore proxy now connects to etcd
- RNDHOME-337] - NMOS: Port number and API version should be shown on the NMOS UI table
- RNDHOME-397] - Add Edge Proxy Enable control to SDI IO Input tab.
- RNDHOME-422] - Add support for revised SyncV2 structure in NodeSys Product Description JSON and Ember tree
- RNDHOME-425] - Stream Routing Multi Selection (Old Table)
- RNDHOME-439] - Add the LCU proxy to the GateServer
- RNDHOME-454] - The system ID shall not be editable at all
- RNDHOME-477] - Enforce basic compatibility checks in splice routing
- RNDHOME-482] - Need to improve require_snapshots function to use GUID instead of Device ID.
- RNDHOME-490] - GateServer Upgrade - remove the addresses flag from bifrost
- RNDHOME-493] - SDI tab on Device page re-renders constantly due to changes in the genericControlsValuesContext
- RNDHOME-522] - Add packet pacing to Ember Device Exploration
- RNDHOME-524] - Support PowerCore Rev3
- RNDHOME-527] - Filter PowerCore terminals based on Ember Matrix Labels
- RNDHOME-534] - When handling stream route disconnects, splice should preserve the destination flow receiver encapsulation in the SetSords request
- RNDHOME-543] - Set Aegis to host network mode
- RNDHOME-551] - Aegis install should use network host and include access file
- RNDHOME-555] - Add protection to the siteID in HOME
- RNDHOME-655] - Document Existing NATS APIs which can assist with Device Replacement
- RNDHOME-241 - Documenting about the device types not to export to NMOS exporter.
- RNDHOME-670 - MCX does not receive DSP connects/disconnects
- RNDHOME-544 - .edge Sender and Receivers UHD audio Test Tone mapping incorrect
- RNDHOME-565 - Sending NMOS Exported device a JSON Disconnect Message not working
- RNDHOME-664 - INC-36425 VB440 causes NMOS Import to crash
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-146 - Pyramix MRC not working with 10.6
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-153 - Adding a XCS in VSM leads to a timeout/failover of the XCS while doing a snapload.
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-154 - Console Handler Snapshot Conversion does not correctly convert snapshots < 10.7
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-155 - Suppression-Band Listen not working
- RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-156 - Waves Integration: Tap Tempo not working
Release Versions:
- MCX: #55
- NodeSys: #3
- HOME Bundle: v #164

- RNDMCX-536 - Improvement: Make the current Aux page indicator on the surface brighter
- RNDMCX-1287 - Improvement: Correct system level setting name and tooltip to align with naming convention of A__Line IO nodes
- RNDMCX-1290 - Improvement: Increase value range of input gain knob to be able to use the full range of the powercore gain
- RNDMCX-796 - Hyperpan graph drawn wrongly after stereo changes + other possible system-wide effects
- RNDMCX-960 - Main Faders page misalignment with Sidepanel active
- RNDMCX-993 - Talkback to Channel Custom Function broken
- RNDMCX-994 - ABR always on for Fader Control
- RNDMCX-996 - Make dBfs scale slightly logarithmic again
- RNDMCX-997 - Metering Pages 1-4 do not process runtime headroom changes correctly
- RNDMCX-1006 - Money Channel custom function behavior changed
- RNDMCX-1010 - Standalone XCS not sending device updates for routes to vGPIO receiver
- RNDMCX-1045 - Fader desense on strip isolated strips may lead to unexpected channel reassignments
- RNDMCX-1055 - Automation Mixes still there after production load
- RNDMCX-1080 - Changing signallist view to signal mode can lead to wrong signals in IO folders
- RNDMCX-1082 - Metering bar labels mixed up for 4.0.4 surround format
- RNDMCX-1186 - Something is adding .production_surgery files to the known file area on a production load
- RNDMCX-1193 - British scale on (central) Meter Page using Headroom
- RNDMCX-1281 - vGpios not saved in Home Snapshots for redundant XCSs
- RNDMCX-1339 - Activating PAD in Line Mode leads to wrong display of the gain value
- RNDMCX-1340 - OASIS: Expander ratio not adjustable in Pyramix
- RNDNODESYS-458 - Nodesys devices reporting inaccurate voltage errors after update to 10.8 /
- RNDNODESYS-472 - high cpu load due to websocket connections that remain open
- RNDNODESYS-473 - 976/30 grey out PTP "Slave only" for mc2_36_mk2 internal Core
- RNDNODESYS-474 - Automix: Legs of stereo- or surround channels are treated individually.
- RNDNODESYS-499 - when Patching an SDP into an RX it mistakes it for an internal Loopback Stream
- RNDHOME-787 - Allow External Tieline flag to be edited on existing senders and receivers
- RNDHOME-756 - Connected source for receiver is displayed as an underlying vmixer instead of an vmixer group
- RNDHOME-790 - Bifrost doesn't recover if an endpoint fails to respond to initial fetch
- RNDHOME-812 - Virtual mixer src-gate is not rewritten during UHD Core group join / split
- RNDHOME-785 - Add the new nodesys-upgrade tool to the release
- RNDHOME-666 - Sentinel CPU load monitoring generates spurious health issues??
- RNDHOME-742 - The GV Control Client is unable to establish a connection to an NMOS Exported .edge device
- RNDHOME-782 - User cannot create XCS redundancy group due to UI truncation
- RNDHOME-649 - Encap field prevents routing between -30 and -31 audio flows
- RNDHOME-748 - NMOS Exporter , device reconnect and receiver capabilities - YLE/TV Tools
- RNDHOME-760 - NMOS Exporter - Update empty resources to use arrays rather than nulls
- RNDHOME-684 - Health messages generated for "active streams"
Known Issues
RNDHOME-911 - PowerCore Snapshot load function broken (SetSections fails with an error when attempting to set GPIO sords)
RNDMCX-1207- GUI freeze after using ZOOM module popup
Browser may require a refresh, in order to clear alarms on the HOME Health page.
Manually enabled mDNS and SAP announcements are getting lost, when loading a HOME Snapshot.
Device Options and Wordclock Profile are currently not stored and loaded from HOME Snapshots.
MCX redundancy failover may render Automation data corrupt.
MCX redundancy failover may require reloading Automation, when writing an automation pass.
A__UHD Core: Bug 21627 - Dynamics Metering not working for Surround Masters.
A__UHD Core: Bug 22205 - De-Esser Suppression Band Listen not working.
A__UHD Core failover may not work properly, when media interface IPs are assigned using DHCP.
RNDMC2CTRL-19 - Failover of UHDCore and MCX leads to non-working surround signals in Automix. (Workaround is stated in the ticket).
RNDBUGZ-20809 PSU monitoring communication error on Gateserver systems.
RNDBUGSNODESYS-26 - Internal bottleneck in Decoders with L24+L16 in high load.
RNDBUGSNODESYS-35 - DRAM bus bandwidth limits RX stream combination, crackling & distortion.
Power Core Gateway: 710/60 MADI SRC I/O Cards are not correctly registered in HOME.
Nova Proxy: Sample Rates other than 48khz are not respected in HOME with Device Types other than Nova73 HD Core.
Known Limitations
mc²/MCX Control System
USB file transfer not yet supported, if system uses external (redundant) control system (XCS).
User-assignable monitoring buttons not yet assignable, but must be routed manually.
MCX Signallist: RTW Metering Outputs not listed in Misc > Matrix/Monitoring Outputs.
De-Esser ist not yet operable in ISO BAY mode.
Couple does not work for double-tap reset of parameters.
Power CoreRP not yet supported.
Label Transfer for Waves Plug-In Integration not yet supported.
Rack-follows-Console-Channel-Select not yet supported with MultiRack/SuperRack.
mxGUI: VirtualBox host-only adapter IP address is not displayed properly in mxGUI.
mxGUI: When using mxGUI on macOS based systems with retina display, it is necessary to adjust the resolution macOS is using to run VirtualBox. Go to Applications, right-click VirtualBox and select Show Package Contents. Continue to Contents > Resources > VirtualBoxVM and press command + I. Now check the option Open in Low Resolution.
OASIS Label transfer only works from Pyramix to MCX, but not the other way around.
OASIS Metering is not supported.
HOME UI cannot yet be displayed natively inside the console UI.
Desk PSU Communication Failures: False alarms triggered on two PSUs due to SMBus-I2C issues. Currently, functionality can be restored by performing a surface power cycle.
A__UHD Core
A__UHD Core redundancy does only work for HOME native devices and NMOS registered endpoints. (requires NMOS HOME license)
A__UHD Core redundancy is not supported with NATS Relay (NATS messages forward by the A__UHD Core on Gateserver systems) L3 network routing required!
RX statistics not yet supported in the WebUI.
Enabling/disabling senders and receivers not yet supported.
Front display control / interaction not yet supported.
Factory defaults sets the device to DHCP.
Sync Input does not yet support Video Sync.
Ext Keys are limited to 8 even though A__UHD Core is able to provide up to 32.
A__mic8, A__stage series, A__digital64, A__madi4/6, mc² Compact I/O
Input / Output metering not yet supported.
RX statistics not yet supported in the WebUI.
Enabling/disabling senders and receivers not yet supported in the WebUI.
A__mic8: Front display control / interaction not yet supported.
A__mic8: Factory defaults / upgrade from RAVENNA Suite Butler sets the device to DHCP.
A__madi: Second and third bridges do not report health data.
User labels for Signals are not yet supported.
There is no possibility to restrict HOME Snapshots. A HOME Snapshot is a global recall functionality, that can be compared to a Snapshot of a Virtual Machine.
It is not possible to update an existing HOME Snapshot - delete the old Snapshot and store a new one as a workaround.
Health issue notification always pops up on any mc² console / mxGUI, even if it does not affect assigned resources.
Health monitoring does not respect Dell servers and mc² console surfaces yet.
Existing Signal Ownership Groups cannot be renamed - delete the old group and store a new one as a workaround.
Available Ownership Groups always pop up on any mc² console / mxGUI, even if it does not affect assigned resources.
DHCP/DNS is not supported, when HOME Services are located on the Gateserver.
Radius Authentication is currently not working with Cisco Catalyst 9300A switches.
Tie-Line Streams between A__UHD Cores don't bring up corresponding Signals in the mc² Signallist - use External Tie-lines as a workaround.
Power Core Streams cannot be renamed.
mc²36 MKII
Point-to-point mode for mc²36 MKII with directly connected NodeSys I/O needs manual configuration, but does not setup connections automatically.
HOME does not handle mc²36 MKII as a single device, but as 4 single components (MCX, A__UHD Core, VMixer, Local I/O).
Breaking Changes History

BREAKING CHANGES: Version 10.6.0.x introduced breaking changes in bus routing
MCX: Stereo channels cannot be individually deselected in bus routing, hindering assignment to a Stereo Bus on individual Legs, L/Ral Legs, L/R
BREAKING CHANGES: Version 10.4.0.x introduced breaking changes compared to previous versions
MCX Ember Provider: Remove trailing whitespaces from scribs/labels upon getValue.
MCX Ember Provider (applies from Release Any external Ember+ connection will be disconnected upon production load. External controller will have to reconnect again. Will prevent flooding external controllers with Ember+ data.
BREAKING CHANGES: Version 10.2.4.x introduced breaking changes compared to previous versions
Ember Provider Channel metering is now using the Ember streaming format instead of int64.
Compressor and Expander Hold parameter has been removed from the Ember Provider, since it actually is not available in the system.
Physical GPIOs are no longer available in Command Trigger and Ember+ Provider of MCX, but may only be used using TCL. Physical GPIOs need to be connected to vGPIOs in Home, in order to use them in MCX.
The Aux Bus pickup point has been removed, previous Aux Bus pickups are automatically converted to Aux AF (after fader).
Release 10.2.0 introduced incompatible hash-codes, resulting in newly created external device signals in the console, being incompatible with the ones being restored from productions and snapshots. Release version 10.2.2 is required, in order to properly load and restore production files coming from 10.0.2 and 10.0.0. This only affects native Home devices like A__line devices. External Tie-lines and Third-Party proxies are not affected by this. Productions created with 10.2.0 are not compatible with versions > 10.2.0 and need manual porting! If this is required please reach out to AP PL!
BREAKING CHANGES: Version 10.2.0.x introduced breaking changes compared to previous versions
Over Snap Incompatibility:
Over Snaps that have been created with 10.0.0 or 10.0.2 release versions are not compatible with 10.2.0 and will be discarded!
Over Snaps that have been created with 6.4.0 release versions are compatible and will be loaded.
Behaviour of receivers of A__UHD Core and A__line (NodeSys):
If one routes a source stream with fewer channels (S) than the receiver (R), then only the first S audio channels of the receiver will have signal.
If one routes a source stream with more channels (S) than the receiver (R), then only the R audio channels as specified by the receiver will be present.
Ember+ Provider:
The panning granularity of all DSP channels and GPCs has been changed to +-100. Depending on the implementation of an Ember+ consumer, this may break compatibility!
Output DSP gain parameter range has been changed from -128 ... 15 to -4096 ... 480 with factor 32 in order to be consistent with other gain parameters in the Ember+ tree.
BREAKING CHANGE: Version introduced one breaking change about NATS Relay configuration!
If the system relies on NATS Relay on the A__UHD Core (the A__UHD Core forwards NATS messages from media networks to a Gateserver in the management network, this is e.g. mandatory for mc²36 MKII) you have to adapt your system by invoking the following command on the Gateserver:
rm -r /data/config/home
rm -r /data/config/nats/cluster.conf
touch /data/config/nats/leafnode.conf
BREAKING CHANGE: Version introduced one breaking change in the Ember+ provider!
Output DSP gain parameter range has been changed from -128...15
to -4096...480
with factor 32 in order to be consistent with other gain parameters in the Ember+ tree.
BREAKING CHANGES: Version introduced breaking changes with respect to TCL configuration and Ember+ provider!
TCL Configuration File Locations:
Please be aware that from now on MCX expects its TCL configuration files in a different location. The location has been changed from /data/config
to /data/config/mcx
This change affects both physical systems, as well as mxGUIs with an externally mounted mxgui_config_share
and in the case of the latter it affects the configuration for each product type individually.
For physical systems and mxGUIs the new versions include a helper script migrateEarlyPhase2Config
(that can simply be invoked from CLI) to convert a set of configuration files to the new structure. In case of a physical system the script has to be executed once and then has to be followed by a reboot
of the system.
For mxGUIs multiple conversions can be performed subsequently by passing an explitcit base path as the one and only argument to the conversion script.
Please note, that further custom configuration files (such as Mackie HUI or special custom configs) might need to be adapted manually!
Ember+ Provider:
In the signal's 'labels' node, the identifier changes from 'userLabel' to 'user'. /signals/{sources,targets}/<signalId>/labels/userLabel
becomes .../user
. Furthermore, there have been added more parameters in this node (namely 'userShort', 'startupShort', 'inheritShort'), making use of a new schema 'com.lawo.emberplus.labels.v1.0' instead of 'com.lawo.emberplus.signal.labels.v1.0'.
The AfV event identifiers have been changed from 'event1
' to 'event-1
' etc. /mixer/global/afv/eventX
becomes .../event-X
Information about open source packages and versions used in this release
This information is provided within the WebUIs of each device.
Open the MCX Landing Page and navigate to the bottom section of the page.
NodeSys Devices
Open the WebUI and navigate to General Settings under the About section.
Open the About window on the WebUI by clicking the LAWO Logo in the left upper corner and navigate to Open Source Attributions.
Power Core
Open the WebUI and navigate to the Licenses tab.
- Introduction
- New Features
- Pooling 16 & 32 Licenses
- Extension to 256 Aux Buses available in the system
- CRM Processing Channels
- Advanced Bus Routing
- Signal Routing Presets
- New VCA Map Page
- Cuelist Side Panel
- Console Lock
- Trim Sets & Oversnaps Rework
- mxGUI Apple Silicon CPU support for UTM
- Changes
- Known Issues
- Known Limitations
- Breaking Changes History
- Information about open source packages and versions used in this release