Document Version 13.0 – 2023-08-08


Version 10.4.0 is a major release version for mc² consoles based on the A__UHD Core Phase 2 technology. Version 10.4.0 adds in various new functionalities to the system, like User Lists in MCX, Signal Ownership for Source Parameters and Health in HOME.

This software release applies to the following products:

  • mc²96
  • mc²56 MKIII
  • mc²36 MKII
  • A__UHD Core
  • A__stage series

  • A__digital64

  • A__madi4/6 (running NodeSys 2.6.0)
  • A__mic8 (running NodeSys 2.6.0)
  • mc² Compact I/O (running NodeSys 2.6.0)
  • Power Core Gateway

A__UHD Core Redundancy Groups in Release 10.4.0

In Release 10.2.4, separating and rejoining redundancy groups will lead to newly assigned Group IDs. This results in new addresses for External Tie-lines whenever this process is being done. Release 10.4.0 resolves this issue - however the resolution only applies, if a redundancy group has been separated and rejoined once, which will result in a new final Group ID one more time. Any separation/join process will not create new Group ID afterwards.

Upgrading HOME Cluster to Release 10.4.0

Temporary internet connection is required, when upgrading a HOME cluster to HOME 1.6.0.

Update redundant A__UHD Cores safely

When upgrading A__UHD Cores that are part of a redundancy group, please follow the procedure below:

  • The primary A__UHD Core should be active.
  • Update the passive/backup A__UHD Core first.
  • After successful update - turn off the backup/passive A__UHD Core.
  • Update the primary A__UHD Core

  • When primary comes back online, power up the backup/passive A__UHD Core again.

Using NodeSys Upgrader will handle this automatically - beware to enable automatic failovers in NodeSys Upgrader, once the upgrade is finished.

Breaking Changes 10.4.0

  • MCX Ember Provider: Remove trailing whitespaces from scribs/labels upon getValue.
  • MCX Ember Provider (applies from Release Any external Ember+ connection will be disconnected upon production load. External controller will have to reconnect again. Will prevent flooding external controllers with Ember+ data. 

New Features

Signal Ownership

HOME can configure Signal Ownership groups for controlable source signals like microphone preamps. Ownership can be taken from the mc² console UI. Definition of Signal Ownership groups and Ownership assignment is stored and loaded from HOME Snapshots.

Receiver Protection in HOME

In HOME, receivers can be protected in order to prevent accidential routing. A note can be added, when protecting the receiver, in order to give an information, why this receiver is actually been locked. Receiver Protection is stored in and loaded from HOME Snapshots. This protection mechanism is entirely independent from MCX.

Health in HOME

HOME introduces a Health notification functionality to monitor health and availability status of the system.

User Lists in the mc² Signallist

It is now possible to configure system wide or production/user wide User Lists in the Signallist in the mc² console. Using "//" in the user list label allows to configure one level of sub-directories.

Signal Isolates in MCX

It is now again possible to configure system wide or production/user wide Signal Isolates in the mc² console.

B and C Inputs available for any Signal Routing Destination

A/B/C Inputs as known from DSP Input Channels are now available for any Routing Destination of the Signallist. Switching to B or C can be done using the right-click Signal Settings pop-up in the Signallist. Switching a range of channels can be done in TCL, but has not been added as a Custom Function yet. A/B/C selection is stored and loaded from productions and snapshots but can be isolated using Global Snapshot ISO.

Strip Assign Rework in mxGUI

The Strip Assign page in mxGUI has been reworked to display strip metering now. The back layer display has been removed by a FLIP button. It also follows Fader Ctrl mode, in order to control e.g. Aux Sends.

Adaptions for A__UHD Core NodeSys devices

  • Make us of LUX in the WebUI.

  • Advance the WebUI Health Screen and add PTP and sender/receiver status there.

  • Suppress the Initial Setup Screen in the WebUI after minor Upgrades.

  • Configure static routes and NTP (only using Ember+ provider).

  • A__stage / A__digital64: FAN LED on the device front-plate does now display the correct status.
  • Netmask of /31 can now also be set using the WebUI.
  • 1 Ch SDPs are now accepted.

Local Loopback and RX Buffer Replication for NodeSys end-points

The end-points using the NodeSys firmware now allows to subscribe:

  • Its own streams
  • One stream multiple times

Be aware, that the four Streaming units of an A__UHD Core still subscribe to streams independently (e.g. subscribing to a stream on strm0 and strm1 will still fetch the stream twice from the network).

Improved Fan Control for mc²36 MKII

The fan speed control algorithm for the mc²36 MKII internal A__UHD Core has been reworked, to reduce the fan-noise in silent but climate-controlled environments.

LCU Integration in HOME (as part of HOME Cluster experimental features)

HOME can now spawn a Device Proxy to introduce LCU devices to the system. The Device Proxy communicates with the LCU via Ember+, the three microphone input gains (only the gain value) and the HPF can be adjusted from the mc² consoles. LCU communication cannot go via NATS Relay, but there needs to be direct L2 or L3 communication between HOME Services and the LCU.

Nova73 Integration in HOME

HOME can now spawn a Device Proxy to control a Nova73 incl. its associated I/O systems e.g. DALLIS. HOME handles the Nova73 as one big monolithic I/O system and presents it in that way towards other devices in HOME. The same feature set is provided as for any other I/O system (e.g. A__stage80). This is especially required for any customer, who is upgrading from a Nova73 based system, but keeps his I/Os in place.
This requires the Nova73 to run at least version

Contained Versions

  • MCX
  • HOME
  • NodeSys


  • Fixed: Bug 22340 - GPC Channels have no Assignments for AUX, GROUP, TRACK, SUM in the EMBER tree available.
  • Fixed: Bug 22387 - Signal connects to System CoMixer Destinations are not loaded from snapshots.
  • Fixed: Bug 22504 - Black entries at the end of signal list after initial guy start and selecting a smaller filter on target side.
  • Fixed: Bug 22505 - Signal target scrollbar not movable after dsp config change.
  • Fixed: Bug 22507 - Loading old productions (from 10.2) in 10.4 does not restore long label.
  • Fixed: Bug 22522 - Userlists: renaming list & removing a signal leads to presentation bug in gui userlists.
  • Fixed: Bug 22537 - PSU I2C error icon is not shown on GUI.

  • Fixed: Bug 22151 - Correlations metering not working in AMBIT.
  • Fixed: Bug 22516 - Changing SumMatrix configuration and coldstart is not cleaning up SumMatrix loopbacks on A__UHD Core.
  • Fixed: Bug 22553 - Possible wrong vloopback mapping for inputs > 256 in pooled systems.
  • Fixed: Signal Isolate only isolates connect, but internal and external parameters as well as label are still loaded from Snapshots.
  • Fixed: A__UHD Core Compressor and Gate Ext Key not working in 2nd-4th VMixer slice.
  • Support of latest NodeSys hardware following component changes (Lattice FPGA support).

  • Fixed: Bug 22587 - A__UHD Core looses connection (OOM).

  • Fixed: Bug 21226 - Fader Control follows AUX Master AFL Custom Function Stereo handling.

  • Fixed: Bug 22192 - Assigning user-defined Multicast IPs in HOME is very confusing and time-consuming especially with A__UHD Core
  • Fixed: Bug 22209 - Accessing RIP while in Reveal Mode on Second Layer leads to false behaviour of RIP button.

  • Fixed: Bug 22328 - Audio IP Senders may generate false IP header checksum.
  • Fixed: Bug 22341 - Internal packet loss at hi TX load with some combinations of different streams.
  • Fixed: Bug 22344 - NodeCtrl browser tabs in the background create CPU load.
  • Fixed: Bug 22456 - DSP to GPC mapping Custom Function typo.

  • Fixed: Bug 22485 - Low Cut Dropdown menu not created on Main Display Page Source Settings after initial connect of Mic/Line source.

  • Fixed: Bug 22517 - Ember+ parameters not writeable anymore (StreamIndex) and set to primary only.
  • Fixed: Bug 22535 - Renamed device disappears in Signal List.

  • Fixed: Bug 22554 - Streamrouting/trackmapping performance issues with NodeSys 2.6.0.
  • Fixed: Bug 22579 - Ember+ provider not sending parameter changes when expicitly subscribed (breaks vsmStudio Ember+ consumer).
  • Fixed: Bug 22586 - External Controller Nevion cannot connect to UHD Core/nodesys devices after update to
  • Fixed: Bug 22588 - Loudness metering bar not reset after loudness metering was disabled.

  • Fixed: Bug 22604 - ra0 may go down during operation, when under load and using connectivity via SFP.
  • Fixed: Bug 22614 - Automation data not read or written correctly.

  • Fixed: Bug 22615 - Dynamic Automation "On" flag for mc²36 MKII is saved with production data.

  • Fixed: Bug 22616 - Automixer spontaneously seems to stop operating.
  • Fixed: Bug 22617 - Bus assignment leftovers after decreasing dsp config bus count can lead to phantom audio.

  • Fixed: Bug 22620 - Logfile export fails in A__UHD Core.
  • Fixed: Bug 22639 - Mini display not following encoder sense in ISO BAY mode.

  • Fixed: Bug 22642 - Console looses Low Cut control.

  • Fixed: Bug 22643 - Labels and connects disappear during runtime.

  • Fixed: Bug 22665 - Automix not working correctly with fully ducked gain.
  • Fixed: Bug 22668 - Automix not working correctly with Surr Masters.
  • Fixed: Bug 22672 - When intiating new audio TXes in HOME, MC address cannot be set.
  • Fixed: Bug 22685 - IO Parameter control loss after MCX warmstart.

  • Fixed: Bug TP34649 Health: Warning messages generated for BLUE receiver of PrimaryOnly receiver.
  • Fixed: Bug TP35867 Stream Routing: ""show destination"" button is not working as expected.
  • Fixed: Bug TP36487 Tx sord frame size value forced to 48 / 1ms during creation + editing.
  • Fixed: Bug TP36490 Nats error when patching GPIO sords.
  • Fixed: Bug TP36492 UI: Stream Routing blank screen when patching VirtualMixerSlice tx sords.
  • Fixed: Bug TP33373 UI: Device list filter ignored for incoming devices.
  • Fixed: Bug TP36692 UI: SDP data for sords not updated when user changes parameter - Browser refresh required.
  • Fixed: Bug TP36731 GPIO stream routing: Spurious ""connected destination"" counter on unpatched GPI sources.
  • Fixed: Bug TP36907 Invalid SDP for streams with only a single channel.
  • Fixed: Bug TP37004 UI: Create new sord multicast fields not accessible for grouped VirtualMixer sords.
  • Fixed: Bug TP37221 "Creating ""PriOnly"" / ""SecOnly"" sords will default to DualRedundant protection.
  • Fixed: Local I/Os indicating "invalid streams" after upgrade to 2.6.0.x: This issue is indicated both in HOME and NodeSys WebUI. The issue occurs when the value "EXT0" or "EXT1" is set as sync source for the device, what can be verified in the Ember+ provider (sync/main/genlock/source) of the Local I/O. Set to "none" and reboot to resolve this issue. Apart from setting the correct value manually via Ember+, a coldstart via WebUI or deleting warmstart data via shell with reboot corrects the entry automatically.
  • Renamed "SOURCE INDEX" Global Snapshot ISO in MCX to "A/B/C SWITCH".
  • Various LCU Device Proxy enhancements in HOME.

  • Fixed: Bug 9561 - VCA-Zuweisung an Surround-Slaves scheint nicht im ChannelHandler abgefangen zu sein.
  • Fixed: Bug 21524 - Parameter Reset via Pot Double-click not working with old production.
  • Fixed: Bug 22448 - SIP Mode custom function does not work correctly.
  • Fixed: Bug 22694 - Special character in channel name in combination with downmix fader window leads to GUI0 crash.
  • Fixed: Bug 22698 - Routed Audio does not carry signal depending on Backend Track number
  • Fixed: Bug 22701 - Mini Display of an unassigned strip shows wrong graphic.
  • Fixed: Bug 22704 - Remote Desktop / RDP Custom Function is not working.
  • Fixed: Bug 22727 - ACCESS/ASSIGN button does not light up when activated.

  • Fixed: Bug 22652 - Display Brightness of GUI0 is linked to Surface Brightness, instead of Display Brightness.
  • Fixed: Bug 22683 - Sporadicly missing metering data for surround legs which are assigned to automix group after redundancy takeover.
  • Fixed: Bug TP37444 - Fix map concurrency bug in memDB which leads to issues with Bifrost.
  • Fixed: Bug TP37490 - Improved Ember reconnection logic.
  • Fixed: Bug TP37637 - External tieline flag lost during upgrade from 10.2.4 to 10.4.0.

  • Fixed: Bug 22684 - No metering and audio after A__UHD Core redundancy takeover.

  • Fixed: Bug 22769 - Connected ember consumer can lead to long production load times and unexpected mcx failover.

  • Fixed: Bug 22770 - Ember+ Provider: Segfault when clients reconnect after production load.
  • Fixed: Bug 22771 - Ember+ Provider IO: 10.x Ember+ provider causes segfault crash when the connection is closed during a write operation.

  • Fixed: RNDNODESYS-4 - Editing a TX-Stream sender creates a second sender, depending on name.
  • Fixed: RNDMC2CTRL-16 - Reducing busses via dsp config page leads to performance issue.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22405 - Stream Name im SDP ggf falsch bei TX Streams ("s").
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22536 - Nodectrl doesn't clean up network sockets.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22593 - Limiter in Surround Master do not limit FL and FR.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22671 - SCF causing signal distortion effect.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22726 - The switch of the SRCs can have nonsensical statuses in the user interface. 
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22735 - Multidestination Routing in HOME, audio stays despite disconnect.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22754 - Interface column on stream page UI vanishes after page refresh. 
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22763 - Reveal In Place out of sync after failover.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22779 - OOM crash aprox. 40-50 minutes after reboot.
  • Fixed: TP33232 - Create new sord dialog does not persist user values entered on previous pages.
  • Fixed: TP33373 - UI: Device list filter ignored for incoming devices.
  • Fixed: TP34042 - Toggling parameters on multiple SDI ins/outs crashes UI.
  • Fixed: TP34649  - Health: Warning messages generated for BLUE receiver of PrimaryOnly sord.
  • Fixed: TP34744 - UI: Signal Ownership: Blank screen(s) when opening filtering by "None" / "(Empty)" items.
  • Fixed: TP35867 - Stream Routing: "show destination" button is not working as expected.
  • Fixed: TP36487 - Tx sord frame size value forced to 48 / 1ms during creation + editing.
  • Fixed: TP36490 - Nats error when patching GPIO sords.
  • Fixed: TP36492 - UI: Stream Routing blank screen when patching VirtualMixerSlice tx sords.
  • Fixed: TP36692 - UI: SDP data for sords not updated when user changes parameter - Browser refresh required.
  • Fixed: TP36731 - GPIO stream routing: Spurious "connected destination" counter on unpatched GPI sources.
  • Fixed: TP36907 - Invalid SDP for streams with only a single channel.
  • Fixed: TP36940 - UI: Stream Routing "connect" button is not fully disabled for invalid routing selections.
  • Fixed: TP37004 - UI: Create new sord multicast fields not accessible for grouped VirtualMixer sords.
  • Fixed: TP37221 - Creating "PriOnly" / "SecOnly" sords will default to DualRedundant protection.

  • Fixed: RNDBUGMC2CTRL-30 - Activating SoD and DoS leads to frozen GUI.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22632 DRAM error, causing 2sec audio drop.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22739 Ravenna Stream via AM 824 is not BIT Transparent anymore.

  • Fixed: RNDBUGZ-22800 - UHD Core stops receiving RTP packets on multiple Interfaces at the same time.
  • Fixed: RNDBUGSNODESYS-10 -no Audio after Stream Connect via VSM, message is MQTT topic "receivers/strm0:40204624/mapping" is already subscribed!

  • Fixed: RNDBUGSNODESYS-32 - Downmixes are not working anymore. (introduced with

Known Issues

  • Browser may require a refresh, in order to clear alarms on the HOME Health page.
  • Loading a HOME Snapshot may result in some connects being no longer viable in the MCX Signallist. Workaround is to load a Coldstart production and reload the production file afterwards.
  • Manually enabled mDNS and SAP announcements are getting lost, when loading a HOME Snapshot.
  • Device Options and Wordclock Profile are currently not stored and loaded from HOME Snapshots.
  • MCX redundancy failover may render Automation data corrupt.
  • MCX redundancy failover may require reloading Automation, when writing an automation pass.
  • A__UHD Core: Bug 21627 - Dynamics Metering not working for Surround Masters.
  • A__UHD Core: Bug 22205 - De-Esser Suppression Band Listen not working.
  • A__UHD Core: Bug 22593 - Limiter in Surround Master may not limit FL and FR.
  • A__UHD Core: Bug 22670 - Missing A-Matrix connects after production load.
  • A__UHD Core: Bug 22735 - Issue in Multicast buffer replication - audio stays despite disconnect.
  • A__UHD Core failover may not work properly, when media interface IPs are assigned using DHCP.
  • RNDHOME-6 - Signal Ownership group list can become out of sync between HOME backend <> HOME UI.
  • RNDHOME-7 PowerCore looses audio after UHDCore failover.
  • RNDBUGSMC2CTRL-13 - Downmix: no audio on last internal downmix bus channels. (Workaround stated in the ticket).
  • Desk PSU Communication Failures: False alarms triggered on two PSUs due to SMBus-I2C issues. Currently, functionality can be restored by performing a surface power cycle.

Known Limitations

mc²/MCX Control System:

  • The MCX Ember+ Provider does not send updates after Snapshot load.
  • When switching a Signal from Mono to Stereo or vice versa, the label is being reset.
  • USB file transfer not yet supported, if system uses external (redundant) control system (XCS).
  • User-assignable monitoring buttons not yet assignable, but must be routed manually.
  • MCX Signallist: Taking over Ownership from another Console does not ask for confirmation.
  • MCX Signallist: Auto-increment in Label pop-up does not increment a number, if it is part of the string but not at the end.
  • MCX Signallist: Auto-increment in Label pop-up adds a number, if there is no number at the end of the string.
  • MCX Signallist: RTW Metering Outputs not listed in Misc > Matrix/Monitoring Outputs.
  • MCX Signallist: Signal view currently not available.
  • De-Esser ist not yet operable in ISO BAY mode.
  • De-Esser Threshold is not yet operable.
  • Couple does not work for double-tap reset of parameters.

  • Power CoreRP not yet supported.
  • Label Transfer for Waves Plug-In Integration not yet supported.
  • Rack-follows-Console-Channel-Select not yet supported with MultiRack/SuperRack.
  • mxGUI: VirtualBox host-only adapter IP address is not displayed properly in mxGUI.
  • mxGUI: When using mxGUI on macOS based systems with retina display, it is necessary to adjust the resolution macOS is using to run VirtualBox. Go to Applications, right-click VirtualBox and select Show Package Contents. Continue to Contents > Resources > VirtualBoxVM and press command + I. Now check the option Open in Low Resolution.
  • OASIS Label transfer only works from Pyramix to MCX, but not the other way around.
  • OASIS Metering is not supported.
  • HOME UI cannot yet be displayed natively inside the console UI.

A__UHD Core:

  • A__UHD Core redundancy does only work for HOME native devices.
  • A__UHD Core redundancy is not supported with NATS Relay (NATS messages forward by the A__UHD Core on Gateserver systems) L3 network routing required.
  • Reference Level / Headroom settings cannot yet be adjusted, being fixed to 24 / 0 dB.
  • RX statistics not yet supported in the WebUI.
  • Enabling/disabling senders and receivers not yet supported.
  • Static routes and NTP not yet supported in the WebUI (only Ember+).
  • Front display control / interaction not yet supported.
  • Factory defaults sets the device to DHCP.
  • Reference Sync when acting as PTP GM has to be configured using Ember+.
  • Sync Input does not yet support Video Sync.
  • Ext Keys are limited to 8 even though A__UHD Core could provide up to 32.

A__mic8, A__stage series, A__digital64, A__madi4/6, mc² Compact I/O:

  • Input / Output metering not yet supported.
  • RX statistics not yet supported in the WebUI.
  • Enabling/disabling senders and receivers not yet supported in the WebUI.
  • Static routes and NTP not yet supported in the WebUI (only Ember+).
  • A__mic8: Front display control / interaction not yet supported.
  • A__mic8: Factory defaults / upgrade from RAVENNA Suite Butler sets the device to DHCP.
  • A__madi: Second and third bridges do not report health data.


  • User labels for Signals are not yet supported.
  • There is no possibility to restrict HOME Snapshots. A HOME Snapshot is a global recall functionality, that can be compared to a Snapshot of a Virtual Machine.
  • It is not possible to update an existing HOME Snapshot - delete the old Snapshot and store a new one as a workaround.
  • Health issue notification always pops up on any mc² console / mxGUI, even if it does not affect assigned resources.
  • Health monitoring does not respect Dell servers and mc² console surfaces yet.
  • Existing Signal Ownership Groups cannot be renamed - delete the old group and store a new one as a workaround.
  • Available Ownership Groups always pop up on any mc² console / mxGUI, even if it does not affect assigned resources.
  • DHCP/DNS is not supported, when HOME Services are located on the Gateserver.
  • Radius Authentication is currently not working with Cisco Catalyst 9300A switches.
  • Tie-Line Streams between A__UHD Cores don't bring up corresponding Signals in the mc² Signallist - use External Tie-lines as a workaround.
  • Power Core Streams cannot be renamed.
  • Power Core GPIOs are not yet supported.
  • Power Core MADI Port 3/4 are not yet supported.
  • Power Core AIOX is not yet supported.

mc²36 MKII:

  • Point-to-point mode for mc²36 MKII with directly connected NodeSys I/O needs manual configuration, but does not setup connections automatically.
  • HOME does not handle mc²36 MKII as a single device, but as 4 single components (MCX, A__UHD Core, VMixer, Local I/O).

For a more detailed list of possible limitations, please refer to the Comparison Reference List - Nova73 vs. A__UHD Core.

Breaking Changes History

BREAKING CHANGES: Version 10.2.4.x introduced breaking changes compared to previous versions

  • Ember Provider Channel metering is now using the Ember streaming format instead of int64.
  • Compressor and Expander Hold parameter has been removed from the Ember Provider, since it actually is not available in the system.
  • Physical GPIOs are no longer available in Command Trigger and Ember+ Provider of MCX, but may only be used using TCL. Physical GPIOs need to be connected to vGPIOs in Home, in order to use them in MCX.
  • The Aux Bus pickup point has been removed, previous Aux Bus pickups are automatically converted to Aux AF (after fader).


Release 10.2.0 introduced incompatible hash-codes, resulting in newly created external device signals in the console, being incompatible with the ones being restored from productions and snapshots. Release version 10.2.2 is required, in order to properly load and restore production files coming from 10.0.2 and 10.0.0. This only affects native Home devices like A__line devices. External Tie-lines and Third-Party proxies are not affected by this. Productions created with 10.2.0 are not compatible with versions > 10.2.0 and need manual porting! If this is required please reach out to AP PL!

BREAKING CHANGES: Version 10.2.0.x introduced breaking changes compared to previous versions

Over Snap Incompatibility: 

  • Over Snaps that have been created with 10.0.0 or 10.0.2 release versions are not compatible with 10.2.0 and will be discarded!
  • Over Snaps that have been created with 6.4.0 release versions are compatible and will be loaded.

Behaviour of receivers of A__UHD Core and A__line (NodeSys): 

  • If one routes a source stream with fewer channels (S) than the receiver (R), then only the first S audio channels of the receiver will have signal.
  • If one routes a source stream with more channels (S) than the receiver (R), then only the R audio channels as specified by the receiver will be present.

Ember+ Provider: 

  • The panning granularity of all DSP channels and GPCs has been changed to +-100. Depending on the implementation of an Ember+ consumer, this may break compatibility!
  • Output DSP gain parameter range has been changed from -128 ... 15 to -4096 ... 480 with factor 32 in order to be consistent with other gain parameters in the Ember+ tree.

BREAKING CHANGE: Version introduced one breaking change about NATS Relay configuration!

If the system relies on NATS Relay on the A__UHD Core (the A__UHD Core forwards NATS messages from media networks to a Gateserver in the management network, this is e.g. mandatory for mc²36 MKII) you have to adapt your system by invoking the following command on the Gateserver:

rm -r /data/config/home
rm -r /data/config/nats/cluster.conf
touch /data/config/nats/leafnode.conf

BREAKING CHANGE: Version introduced one breaking change in the Ember+ provider!

Output DSP gain parameter range has been changed from -128...15 to -4096...480 with factor 32 in order to be consistent with other gain parameters in the Ember+ tree.

BREAKING CHANGES: Version introduced breaking changes with respect to TCL configuration and Ember+ provider!

TCL Configuration File Locations: 

Please be aware that from now on MCX expects its TCL configuration files in a different location. The location has been changed from /data/config to /data/config/mcx.

This change affects both physical systems, as well as mxGUIs with an externally mounted mxgui_config_share and in the case of the latter it affects the configuration for each product type individually.

For physical systems and mxGUIs the new versions include a helper script migrateEarlyPhase2Config (that can simply be invoked from CLI) to convert a set of configuration files to the new structure. In case of a physical system the script has to be executed once and then has to be followed by a reboot of the system.

For mxGUIs multiple conversions can be performed subsequently by passing an explitcit base path as the one and only argument to the conversion script.

Please note, that further custom configuration files (such as Mackie HUI or special custom configs) might need to be adapted manually!

Ember+ Provider: 

  • In the signal's 'labels' node, the identifier changes from 'userLabel' to 'user'. /signals/{sources,targets}/<signalId>/labels/userLabel becomes .../userFurthermore, there have been added more parameters in this node (namely 'userShort', 'startupShort', 'inheritShort'), making use of a new schema 'com.lawo.emberplus.labels.v1.0' instead of 'com.lawo.emberplus.signal.labels.v1.0'.
  • The AfV event identifiers have been changed from 'event1' to 'event-1' etc. /mixer/global/afv/eventX becomes .../event-X

© Lawo AG, 2023, Am Oberwald 8, D-76437 Rastatt, Germany, +49 7222 1002-0